//Part 7//

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(In this chapter I am introducing my OC gray it also relates to the song up top so enjoy ;])

The next day the young gods led the group of mortals to the golden stairs that where the only passage to the palace in the sky, the mortals marveled at the grandness of the stairs, at the top they were greeted by a few servants that took everyones coats except george's and sams

Among this george started to complain and was knocked out by sapnap no longer wanting to hear his whining. The only problem they faced was techno not wanting to let go of dream, who was currently being held hostage in techno's giant arms who was holding dream bridle style.

"Why must you carry dream in that way Mr Blade??" XD asked not looking at them but watching George HD come down the path right for them with another guest who was his personal partner, a helper to rid him of a very bad germ that's been bugging him for quite a while.

"I just got my best friend back after three months of being away from him i'm not letting him go for at least another two hours" Techno announced quite proudly if I do say so myself (and I do)

"Oh dreamy~ I see you've returned!!" HD said rushing up to the group stopping when he sees dream in the arms of someone else laughing about something the piglin had told him "Dreamy who's this??" HD asked looking quite irritated through his mask

"Oh this is Techno, my best friend, we just met back up after three months. He was excited and doesn't want to let me go yet" Dream explained quickly. HD calmed down quite quickly after hearing this "Oh, ok my dreamy after he's let you go could you meet me in the north star garden I've planned a picnic for us!!" he exclaimed happily grabbing dreams hand, and moving his mask up, HD kissed dreams hand before he melted in to the ground

Techno and XD glared in the direction of where HD last stood "Dream I don't want you to meet with that weirdo, I would prefer it if you stayed with techno after all he can defend you and I don't trust HD I can't control him you know this." XD said after turning away from glaring at the ground "I'm sorry, but I already agreed and I have an outfit ready for tonight" Dream replied with a sad face "I'm sorry.."

"It's no problem dear I'll just wait for you at home"XD replied while continuing to walk. The group stood confused at what had happened but brushed it off at the sight of the meeting house.

"Is it made out of pure gold??" Techno asked putting dream down breaking his promise by a few hours Going to touch the side of the building eyes lit up looking all over the place

"Not all of it but yes the majority is gold, some rose quartz, and some pearl chambers to keep it light" XD explained, guiding them to the table that stood in the middle of the room the doors suddenly shut and the lights went out "What's happening??" Phil asked panicking everyone looked to XD and dream for help only to notice them walking to the white platform at the end of the room

"Did they really have to startle our other guests??" Xd asked dream grabbing his hand to help him on the platform

"You know how they are bro, they have an eye for the extravagant, and you know you love it" Dream said nugging XD a little once he was seated on the platform

Two figures materialized at the center of the platform "Fearnot for the experts have arrived!!" ????? shouts

Dream shoots up and hugs ????? "How was your trip, I see you brought your bags, what did you get??" Dream asked excitedly, taking their hands 

????? squeezed dreams hands before replying "yes I have so much to show you, I got a new crown and I got us matching tops, we're going to have so much fun!!"

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