Chapter 3 (nephew or no?)

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114 AC

A 12 year old Laenys slipped passed her parents and older sister as soon as the ship docked at Kings Landing.

The young girl dashed past the guards and knights outside the castle, her long curly silver/white hair flowing behind her.

*back at the ship*

"That girl never listens" Rhaenys muttered, trying not to show her amusement, while the three Velaryon's made their way to the entrance of the castle.

"And who's fault is that?" Corlys laughed.

"She gets it from you, husband"

"That is a barbaric accusation" Corlys said, even though he knew it was true.

"You know she has a stronger influence on the crown than any of you do, right?" Laena said, making her presence known.

"What?" Rhaenys and Corlys said at the same time.

"Don't be ridiculous Laena" Corlys said.

"You know it's true, the king will listen to anything Laenys has to say, all she has to do is bat her lashes and pout and she gets anything she wants" Laena pointed out.


"Laenys!" Rhaenyra cried, covered in sweat and in a lot of pain.

"Cousin!" Laenys yelled as she dashed to Rhaenyra's side and held her hand.

"You came" Rhaenyra whispered.

"I wouldn't miss the birth of my nephew" Laenys smiled.

Rhaenyra screamed, gripping Laenys hand tightly, and calling the midwives every name under the sun.

After many hours of that, a little boy was born.

"It's a boy your majesty!" The midwife shouted, handing the baby to Rhaenyra.

"He's adorable, cousin" Laenys said softly, taking in the tiny baby's appearance.

The light skin of the baby isn't what d caught her attention considering she was born from a dark skinned father and light skinned mother and she herself had inherited her mothers skin tone. No, it was the dark hair, no Targaryen or Velaryon had hair like that.

She looked to Rhaenyra seeing the slight nervousness in her face.

"It's alright cousin, everything went to plan, didn't it?" Laenys asked, trying to ease her cousins anxiety.

"Yes, it did" Rhaenyra said, smiling at her cousin and looked back down at her baby.

*couple hours later*

Everyone had officially met the new Prince by now. Viserys, Alicent, Laenor, Laena, Corlys, Rhaenys, and Laenys were all in gathered in Rhaenyra's chambers, admiring the baby.

"Would you like to hold him, dear one?" Rhaenyra asked, looking towards Laenys.

Laenys's eyes shot up towards Rhaenyra, going wide with surprise.


"Yes! You" Rhaenyra laughed, holding a hand out to her younger cousin, beckoning her to the bed.

Rhaenys gently nudged Laenys forward and towards the bed.

"What if I hurt him?" Laenys asked, worried.

"You won't" Rhaenys reassured as she nudged her to the side of the bed.

Laenys sat next to Rhaenyra on the bed and gently handed Laenys the baby.

"What shall his name be?" Laenys asked.

"Jacaerys Velaryon" Laenor said proudly.

"I like it" Laenys said, looking at her nephew.

Everyone in the room was smiling softly at the scene.

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