Chapter 9 (The Queen)

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A/N : I'm sorrrryyy I've been so inactive lately!!! I've been planning my moms surprise party (she's also my principal so it's even more hard💀) but hopefully I will be updating more frequently now that I have more time

Also I'm gonna be killing off Viserys a lot sooner than when he actually dies


"We'll be sailing to Kings Landing in the morrow." Rhaenyra told her sons, leaving no room for debate.

The boys quickly got up and rushed to their chambers to get ready, have dinner, and then rest up for the journey ahead.

"Mother, why are we going to Kings Landing?" Luke asked during dinner.

"To ensure your claim to Driftmark" Rhaenyra said.

Luke bowed his head, not saying another word. He didn't want Driftmark, he just wanted to be with his family. If he got Driftmark, that meant that his family would be dead.


Laenys was in Winterfell, unaware of the happenings at Kings Landing and the fact that Vaemond was questioning Lucerys's legitimacy.

She sat at the table with Cregan Stark, hoping to form an alliance as she was unconsciously aware of the war that was brewing. She didn't want to admit it, she didn't want war but if a war happened she would fight with fire and blood.

"I do hope we have an understanding, my lord" Laenys said, taking a sip of her wine.

"I believe we do, your grace" Cregan answered, and before anything could be further discussed, there was a knocking on the door followed by a messenger entering the dinner room.

"What is it?" Cregan asked, beckoning the boy to come forward.

"A raven has arrived for the Crowned Princess, it's from Kings Landing" The boy said, handing the piece of parchment to Laenys and bowing before exiting the room.

As Laenys's eyes scanned the letter in her hands, Cregan watched her eyes widen slightly as she tended.

"I apologize but I must return to Kings Landing, it's urgent" Laenys said, standing quickly.

"Of course, your grace." Cregan said, standing as well. "I'll see you out."

The two walked quickly to where Laenys had left Tartarus, maids moving out of the way so they wouldn't get hit.

"It was a pleasure to be here my lord, I do hope to visit again, even if dragons do not belong in the North" Laenys said, climbing the ropes up Tartarus's back.

She shouted in Valyrian, causing Tartarus to move quickly. He took off into the air, his large wings creating winds so strong that trees bent and broke.


Rhaenyra sat by her fathers bedside, the storm outside raging.

"Alicent?" Viserys breathed out.

"No, it's Rhaenyra father" She said, trying not to cry.

"Rhaenyra" he muttered.

"The song of ice and fire, do you believe it to be true?" Rhaenyra asked

"Aegon's dream"

Rhaenyra leaned foward, eyes filling with tears.

"You told me, it's our duty to hold the realm together against a common foe" Rhaenyra said "by naming Laenys heir, you divided the realm"

Viserys layed there, breathing heavily and muttering things no one understood.

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