5. Guess who

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I could hear people talking and machines beeping.

I had a splitting head ache and couldn't recognize any of the voices.

My body ached as I reached my hand up to my head, I could feel the IV in my arm.

"Can you guy be quiet for a moment..?" I mumbled my voice sounding raspy.

The room suddenly went quiet and I could feel them looking at me.

I opened my eyes and there was a doctor, nurse, and the Sheriff.

"What?" I asked since they just stood there.

The doctor walked over, "Do you remember anything that happened Mr. Addams?" She asked

"Um hold on.' I said trying to remember before everything came rushing back to me.

"Okay wait first of all is Eugene okay? And Wednesday although I doubt she got hurt." I asked looking at all of them

The doctor looked unsure. She sighed, "He um.. hasn't woken up yet.. we think he'll be okay but we're not 100% sure. But your sister is completely fine."

My heart dropped, I knew we should have left. It's my fault if we had just stayed at nevermore or even gone back earlier none of this would have happened.

"Goddammit." I mumbled not sure what to say as I covered my face with my hands.

"Y/n do you remember what happened or not." The Sheriff asked stepping closer to the bed.

I nodded "yeah sure, we were out in the woods, heard the monster, ran, tripped and then I stabbed the monster and it threw me and I passed out." I vaguely explained

"Why were you in the woods?" The Sheriff asked.

"We were looking for bugs, gypsy moths and grasshoppers." I lied

He raised a brow, "you Y/n Addams were looking for bugs in the middle of the night?" He questioned.

I nodded, "Yup. Eugene needed help catching them. We didn't find any moths though, only grasshoppers."

He didn't seem fully convinced but just left it at that. "Alright then.. I'll go back to the police station and fill out the report, goodbye Addams."

I waved as he left with the doctor and the nurse sat down on one of those little swivel chairs.

"Well now that that's over with.. you were out for a total of 12 hours. You have 2 broken ribs and a broken arm from behind thrown, some scratches on your chest, luckily they weren't that deep still somewhat deep though. You also have a sprained ankle and small scratches and bruises that are nothing to worry about." he explained.

"Well damn- at less it'll leave cool scars." I shrugged. There was nothing much I could do.

The nurse chuckled a little and nodded, "Yup. I'm gonna go ahead and take the IV out of your arm now since it's more longer necessary." he said taking the needle out and putting a bandaid on it.

I just nodded and watched before there was a knock on the door.

"Come in." The nurse called out.

Xavier Thorpe x m!readerWhere stories live. Discover now