6. Parents weekend pt.1

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I've decided to continue it))

It's been almost a week since the attack and Eugene still hasn't woken up. I haven't brought myself to go and see him since I left the hospital. I couldn't. It was my fault he was in there, I should have protected him but I didn't.

"Y/n.. Y/n.. Y/n!"

I snapped out of my thoughts and looked over at Xavier who was calling me, "sorry what-?"

"Whats bothering you?" He asked as he pulled me closely. He was helping me catch up on some of the work I missed while I was gone before my parents got here.

I leaned my head onto his shoulder, "Just thinking that's all." I mumbled as he snaked his arm around my waist.



"Why?" He asked looking over at me a bit.

"Well it's just.. if I had listened or left sooner, or even maybe tried a little harder to protect him, he would have been okay. He wouldn't be in the ICU but instead waiting for his mom's downstairs." I explained looking down at the papers we had on the floor.
"And I know it's not my fault blah blah blah whatever but it just feels like it is."

He stayed silent for a few seconds before talking again, "Well I'm not gonna tell you it's not your fault, but I'm not gonna tell you it is either. But there's also some good things that came out of it."

"Yeah like what?" I asked chuckling a little as I looked up at him.

"Like this." He said as he leaned over and pressed his lips against mine.

I kissed him back as I set my hand on his chest gripping his uniform a little as he gently pushed me back onto the floor hovering over me.

We made out for a few minutes before I heard knocks on the floor.

I pulled away from Xavier and looked up to see Thing standing(?) there signing for me to come down since they were here.

"Alright I'll be down there in a minute." I said turning back to Xavier.

Thing angrily tapped on the floor in morse code basically telling me no let's go.

I sighed and gave Xavier a quick peck, "I'll see you later." I said before sliding out from under him and leaving.

I went downstairs to the courtyard where Wednesday was standing with Enid and Ms. Weems was about to start her little speech.

"Nevermore was created as a safe haven for our children, to love, to learn and to grow. No matter who or what they are." She said pausing for everyone to clap.
"I realize most of you have heard about the unfortunate incident involving two of our students. But I am happy to report that Eugene is on the mend and expected to make a full recovery! Meanwhile Y/n is with us here and better than ever. So let's focus on the positive, and make this the best parents weekend yet." She finished as everyone applauded.

"On the mend? Try in a coma." Wednesday corrected.

"Have either of you been to see him?" Enid asked. We both looked away avoiding the question.
"Come on guys your his friends!"

Xavier Thorpe x m!readerWhere stories live. Discover now