Chapter 3 - Money Procurement 1

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I feel like every time I wake, it's pain-peko. First, an alleyway, and now a searing headache. Admittedly, this was my fault this time, however, it was extremely disappointing to find out that I wasn't in a dream.

When I somehow managed to open my eyes to a clock showing 11:09, I stretched for a few minutes and left my bedroom. As I entered the living room, Rimuru and Zhongli were on the couch watching TV whilst enjoying the view. It seems they've already made themselves at home, and the fact that they were still here meant they couldn't return to their worlds yet.

"Oh, you're awake. Mornin'!" Rimuru, who noticed me walking towards them on my way to the bathroom, greeted me. I gave a slight nod back and continued on my way toward the bathroom.

I brushed my teeth, took a quick shower, and changed into the same clothes I had before. I had no idea why, but I had 10 sets of the same clothes in the closet.

Once I left the bathroom, I saw Jinwoo enter through the front door, covered in sweat. He was still in his hospital gown.

"Jinwoo, you might want to take a shower. Here, wear this." I said as I searched through the closet and chucked him a pair of sweatpants and a plain t-shirt.

"Thanks." Jinwoo shyly replied before heading into the shower. He would have to bear with wearing the same underwear.

As I sat down to enjoy some cider and toast, I thought my morning could be peaceful. But, Rimuru, unfortunately, brought up the topic that has plagued our minds since last night, or rather, early this morning since we slept at 3 am.

"From my research, we need to apply via the LGD to open up a business," Rimuru said, taking a sip of his orange juice.

"To open a business, one needs money to procure the goods and location needed to operate said business," Zhongli added.

"True, but I doubt I have enough money to get the real estate we need," I muttered.

"According to the Lungmen Net, the average price for a shop front in the business centre is 120,000 LMD per month," Rimuru said as he typed away at the computer.

"Got any clue on what we can do for some money?" I asked, taking another bite of my toast.

"I asked a forum board earlier this morning. Most of them told me to get a job, but one comment recommended hunting individuals wanted by the LGD in the slums of Lungmen." Rimuru said.

"The LGD should be the equivalent of the police here in Lungmen. Is that right, Clukay?" Rimuru turned towards me and asked.

"I don't know." I shrugged, pointing at my head. Rimuru silently went 'ah' and returned to relishing his orange juice.

"From what I've seen, Jinwoo should be proficient in bladed weapons. I personally wield a polearm. Rimuru seems to have the ability to manipulate black lightning. As for Clukay, Rimuru mentioned that the strange device next to your bag should be a powerful weapon, so I'll assume you use that." Zhongli noted, summoning a black rod with a yellow blade attached at the end of it. I didn't question where it came from due to my headache.

After staring at the gun on the ground, I walked towards my duffle bag and picked up the silenced assault rifle with an EOTech sight located near the front of the handrail. On the side rail was also a laser.

I held the weirdly familiar rifle and inspected it. Unloading the magazine, I saw what seemed to be rubber bullets. Not the best, but it would be nice if I didn't have to fight in court, justifying why I murdered someone with this.

"Alright, it's decided. We'll head to the LGD and make some money. We can decide what business later once we have enough money," I said as I opened the door to my apartment. I was reluctant to trust these strangers, but we're all in the same mess, so who bloody cares.

After almost forgetting about Jinwoo in the shower, we left the apartment and took a taxi to the LGD headquarters. Along the way, the view of various civilians from different races going on with their life was quite interesting. I also found another Sanktas as well, except they were fighting with what seemed to be the mafia.

"Hey boss, is that a gang fight?" I asked, pointing at a red-haired Sankta happily shooting a mob of men in suits holding pipes.

"Don't worry about it. That's penguin logistics. Known for always being in trouble with the mafia. Best off not associating with them. Unless you're prepared to pay a hefty sum of property damage." The taxi driver sighed.

"Right, noted. Don't associate with mobsters." I muttered. Hopefully, I don't encounter them anytime soon. My total net worth in cash was, at best, 200K LMD. Rent costs 50K LMD per month. Not to mention food and other necessities, I should probably review my budget later.

"Life is so expensive." I sighed, wondering what I did in order to live in such an expensive apartment.

"Don't sigh so often, Clukay. Try to smile more." Zhongli tried to cheer me up as he sipped some herbal tea. Where did that cup of herbal tea come from? Probably the same place as his polearm.

I decided to ignore Zhongli's words of wisdom and returned to enjoying the view. It was a silent taxi ride for the rest of the journey, which was quite awkward.

After paying another 100 LMD for the taxi, I took off my beanie and entered the LGD with the rest of the groupchat members. It was decided that I would be sacrificed at the counter since I was an official resident. The rest of the groupchat members just sat in the waiting area.

I looked blankly at Zhongli drinking his herbal tea and then turned my attention to Jinwoo and Rimuru giving me the thumbs up. It shouldn't be a problem if I shoot them with rubber bullets, right?

Anyways, after what seemed like decades of waiting in line and in reflection, I finally reached the counter as a reformed person.

"Hi, I heard the LGD needed some help hunting... uh, wanted criminals?" I asked, trying to remember what Rimuru told me.

"Yes, that would be correct. There has been a spike of criminals fleeing to Lungmen after the collapse of Chernoborg. You can access the website on the Lungmen Net for a list of wanted criminals and claim your reward in the bounty department of the LGD to the right. Anything else we can help you with?" The receptionist monotonously answered.

"Nope, thank you for the information," I said, moving to the side and letting the next person in line move up. That wasn't too bad; it only took a few seconds.

I quickly scanned the waiting area in the busy lobby and immediately spotted the group of otherworlders. It wasn't too difficult to spot them amongst the mob of people in dark-colored clothes.

"Oi, over here!" Rimuru shouted as if I didn't already notice them. With a heavy sigh, I walked towards the group.

"So, what's our bounty target?" Jinwoo asked.

"Give me a sec; I need to log on to the official LGD website," I replied.

The process of registration wasn't too difficult, thanks to my status as a resident. Plus, I had the backing of Laterano due to my race as a Sankta.

The taxi driver taught me all of the unique perks of my race. This gave me access to a privileged race card for any troubles.

"Alright, time to head to the Lungmen slums now," I said, looking at the rest of the group. It was technically my first time in combat due to my amnesia, but prior to losing my memory, I should've had some combat training to use my assault rifle, so maybe my instinct can kick in.

Just as I was about to dial the number for a taxi, I saw the same taxi driver as before waving at us. Weird, I'm pretty sure he was the one who drove me to the apartment before as well.

Perhaps I was just high.

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