Chapter 22 - A Nut Job

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Chapter 22 - A Nut Job

With a single glance to the other groupchat members, they realised my intentions. With my hand under the table, I began a countdown.

Rimuru, refraining from entering his slime form, dashed towards the octopus with his dagger in conjunction with Zhongli.



Within the span of a second, Zhongli and Rimuru were already outside whilst me and Jinwoo had emptied our magazines. Zhongli managed to withdraw in time before he crashed into Rimuru, realising the octopus between them was already gone.

"It seems our new additions are quite excellent. Clukay and Jinwoo, both of you need to work on hiding your killing intent. Rimuru, you should've aimed for a vital spot instead of my tentacles. And lastly, Zhongli-sensei, you got the date wrong for the year of The Wealth of Nations." Koro-sensei noted as he decorated Zhongli's hair with cute trinkets.

Before the class could even react, the encounter was already finished. We were told of Koro-sensei's insane speed, but seeing it was another thing.

This mission will be a pain in the butt.

"Now, shouldn't we get back to class? I'm quite curious about Adam Smith." Koro-sensei said, already in a seat at the back of the class.

Climbing back into the classroom, Zhongli resumed as if nothing happened, "Yes, so Adam Smith was..."

Unable to speak out and interrupt Zhongli's lecture, the class, who just recovered from the instant-action scene that unfolded, looked at Koro-sensei with a strange gaze.

Before long, the class ended without a hitch. The next period was P.E., so Zhongli retreated to the staff room as the rest of the class proceeded to separate classrooms to change.

"We have a lot of new people today. We have a new teacher for P.E. from the government. He's a neighbourhood dad type of guy."

As we waited for the P.E. teacher to arrive, I chatted with some of the other students about the new teacher. They were surprisingly cheerful and carefree when death was so imminent. It wasn't necessarily a bad thing, just surprising.

"Good morning class!" After a while, a cheerful voice redirected the class's attention.

""Good morning, Takaoka-sensei!""

Atop the stairway leading up to the main building, a rounded figure began to descend towards the class with a goofy smile on his face as the class reciprocated his greeting.

A crowd immediately circled around the teacher as the class began to gossip about various topics, from celebrity events to the best chocolate brands.

Once the class began to settle down, the new P.E. teacher, Takaoka-sensei pulled out a piece of paper with a timetable labelled on it.

"Now then, with your new training regimen comes a new schedule!"

Looking at the sheet, it had 10 periods up until 9 PM. Were schools normally open for that long? Then again, this was a force meant to save humanity... There wasn't much room for complaints faced with such high expectations.

"No way...!"

"Ten periods...?"

The rest of the class began to input their opinions on the new training regimen.

"Wait a minute, Takaoka-sensei. This is too much for students," Rimuru protested, getting up from his sitting position.

"Yeah, Our grades will plummet with so little time to learn!" Another student followed suit, backing up Rimuru.

Rubbing the back of his head with an innocent smile, Takaoka-sensei kicked Rimuru's gut and pummelled the other student in the face, knocking both a few metres away. Talk about a juxtaposition...

"Bastard!" Rimuru screamed, doing a flip and landing.

Seeing the situation deteriorating, I signalled Jinwoo to help the other student up whilst I joined Rimuru with my lackluster combat skill. An insanely long regimen was one thing, but kicking the harmless slime was one step too far.

"We're a family here, and I'm the dad. Don't be a rebellious kid now... As a father, I don't want to lose my precious children," Takaoka-sensei announced, twisting his innocent smile into a sadistic grin.

"This isn't a family," Rimuru declared, preparing to charge at Takaoka-sensei.

Should I try to stop the fight? It may be troublesome if we rebel considering his authority... Screw it, he's an arse. I'd fully agree with Rimuru's duty of justice for once.

With a leap, Rimuru launched his fist at Takaoka-sensei, who was knocked back a few metres with a surprised expression. There wasn't much room for intervention, so I kept a distance to not burden Rimuru.

"You ungrateful child!" With a wrinkled face, Takaoka-sensei began exchanging punches with Rimuru.

At first, Rimuru was fully on the defensive as he progressively tried to block Takaoka's blows. However, Rimuru's skill exponentially increased as the fight continued, even pushing Takaoka-sensei back a little.

Realising his difficult position, Takaoka-sensei began to direct his gaze at me, the closest student. It didn't take a genius to realise his plot, so I quickly retreated. As a ranged person, I didn't know any martial arts.

"Stop, Takaoka!" Karasuma-sensei interrupted, which gave Takaoka-sensei enough time to gain distance from Rimuru.

"Rimuru, Maehara, are you two alright?" Karasuma-sensei asked as the two nodded in response.

Rimuru was supernaturally powerful, but he did say he was limiting his power to be more human-like, so there were several bruises visible on his body.

"To attack one's pupil and child so unjustly, you do not befit the title of teacher nor father," Zhongli, who was behind Karasuma-sensei, commented as he frowned at Takaoka-sensei.

"I agree, Zhongli-sensei."

Before anyone had realised, Koro-sensei appeared behind Takaoka-sensei with his body dyed red.

A/N: The Avengers are assembling-

"Karasuma, calm down. As a family man, I was only teaching some undisciplined brats. As for you, monster, this is my P.E. class. I'm the father here," Takaoka-sensei casually responded, dusting himself off.

"They're my students, not your family," Koro-sensei retorted.

"This is all in the realm of educational discipline. I only have limited time, after all. I need to be tough to create capable assassins." Takaoka-sensei responded.

"How about a bet?" Takaoka-sensei proposed.

With a frown, Karasuma-sensei signalled Takaoka-sensei to proceed.

"Send your best student to fight me. If the knife so much as touches me, I will concede my position to you and take my leave. Of course, the new kids the government trained aren't permitted. Only students you've raised," Takaoka-sensei offered, glaring at Rimuru.

"We won't be using the flimsy government-issued knives. We'll be using the real deal!" With his eyes wide and twitching, Takaoka-sensei stabbed the ground to reveal a metal dagger.

This man was more insane than the duke that possessed Talulah. Not comparable to Mephisto though...

Looking to the side, I could see Rimuru being held back by Jinwoo. I wouldn't mind not having a schedule up until nine at night, but would this class have someone capable of fighting a grown man?

Even the other teachers lacked authority against the nut job here...

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Apr 19, 2023 ⏰

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