Chapter 5 - Money Procurement 3

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"I can hear fighting through that dust," I said as the sound of swords clashing and explosions reverberated through the area.

"Behind you!" Jinwoo shouted. I instinctively ducked and felt a blade take off my beanie. With seconds to spare, I unloaded the whole magazine at the Reunion member that attacked me.

"There goes my beanie... Thanks, Jinwoo." I said as I lay on the ground and contemplated the situation. I was joking when I called the group of white masks we encountered earlier terrorists. Who would've thought that they were actual terrorists?!

"No problem," Jinwoo replied as he attempted to shoot the pistol I gave him. Although Zhongli said Jinwoo was proficient with daggers, we didn't have one to give him right now.

"Oi, I see a blue-haired girl with a sword in the distance," Rimuru shouted as he prepared his black lightning again.

Without a second thought, I switched out my magazine for the second last one I had left on me. It was troublesome to reload, especially since I couldn't abandon the expensive magazine case.

"Who are you, people?!" The blue-haired girl from behind the settling clouds of dust shouted as she pointed her blade at us. In response, we also pointed our weapons at her.

"And where is the Special Inspection Unit?!" The blue-haired girl gasped as she tried to recover from what seemed to be an intense fight.

"They were delayed, Madame Ch'en." One of the LGD officers replied.

It seems that this Ch'en person was an important figure. This means she'll pay us for helping out, right?

"You four; get in the van. You are under arrest for obstructing law enforcement!" Ch'en ordered.

"Hey lady, we were just helping out." I tried to calm her down, but it had the contrary effect as the other LGD officers surrounded us.

"IN THE VAN! NOW!" Ch'en bellowed. I looked around at the other groupchat members, who were prepared to fight, and shooked my head.

I didn't want to bother with the law; the LGD was our key to opening a business and surviving the mission objective. Zhongli seemed to have guessed my intentions, but Rimuru and Jinwoo were somewhat reluctant.

"They're law enforcement. We have to comply, or else we'll lose the license to a business." I whispered as I raised both of my hands in surrender. Rimuru and Jinwoo also raised their hands as they sighed in acceptance.

"The rest of you, recover the deceased," Ch'en ordered the other LGD officers as she led us to an armoured van.

"Weapons will be in the trunk. I'll interrogate you lot later." Ch'en said before she shoved all of us into the back seat and slammed the door shut. I could see the exasperated expression of everyone in the cramped vehicle. Was it a bad idea to come here? Mayhaps.

After a few hours of fighting over our food tastes, the doors of the van finally opened. Ch'en, who opened the doors, stared at us in the midst of our squabble for a moment before she shook her head.

"Who's the leader here?" Ch'en asked in a harsh tone.

I could feel the eyes of everyone focused on me, so without much of a choice, I raised my hand.

"Alright, you Sankta, get out and follow me. Try running, and this blade will be three inches in back." Ch'en threatened as she ushered me out of the truck.

Were people in this world all so rude?

I followed Ch'en for a few blocks before we entered an abandoned building.

Inside the building was a collection of people. There was a donkey, two office ladies, and a menacing hooded man.

"Madame Ch'en, is this the suspect?" The donkey girl asked as she pointed at me.

"Yes, although she and her group were fighting Reunion soldiers, we can't clear all suspicions of affiliation yet. Especially because she's infected." Ch'en replied, pushing me down to my knees. That term again, what was I infected with? Airborne aids?

"Hooo, a Sankta." One of the office ladies said with a surprised tone.

"Hi, my name is Amiya. I'm a member of Rhodes Island, and we just want to ask you a few questions." Amiya said in a gentle voice as she squatted in front of me.

Is this one of those good cop vs. bad cop situations?

"First of all, what's your name?" Amiya asked, pulling out a notebook.

"Clukay, uh... I'm a normal Lungmen garbage collector." I replied, remembering the last time I interacted with Reunion.

"A garbage collector with the ability to knock out several Reunion members. I have my doubts." Ch'en interrupted. It seems I've been busted already.

"I'm just trying to collect bounties so I can start a business," I confessed with a sigh as I was tired of trying to make up lies.

As opposed to the response I expected when I told the truth, I felt the tension in the air increase as the two office ladies prepared their weapons. Do bounty hunters have a bad rep?

"Um... who is your bounty target?" Amiya asked, guarding the hooded man.

"I don't know. Whoever is on the LGD wanted list, I guess?" I said with confusion. The tension in the air was released instantly as a few sighs of relief were heard.

"From what I've heard, you should be pretty talented in combat. Do you want to join Rhodes Island?" The hooded man asked, finally speaking up.

"May I remind you that she is still under custody for suspicion of collaboration with Reunion?" Ch'en harshly scolded.

"There is no reason to suspect her collaboration with Reunion. She helped fight against them and peacefully surrendered to you for arrest." The hooded man reasoned. Is this the only nice person in this world aside from the taxi driver?! It's the myth, the one and only!

"Plus, her expressions are very easy to read. It's highly unlikely that a Reunion member would be that incompetent." The hooded man added. I felt conflicted now.

"She probably feels conflicted right now after her earlier excitement." The hooded man guessed. I need to work on this later.

"I agree with the Dokutah. I propose we bring her and her squad with us to deal with the Reunion threat." Amiya proposed.

"Fine, so be it. However, the moment I suspect something from her and her group, they'll face the full jurisdiction of the LGD." Ch'en sighed with resignation after a moment of silence. With one last stare into my soul, she began to leave.

"Where are you going?" Amiya asked.

"To find Misha. I've already wasted enough time here." Ch'en replied.

"Let us help!" Amiya requested.

"No, her capture was due to my negligence. The LGD can deal with it." Ch'en rejected.

"Quite an honest girl. Not what I expected from the monster inspector." One of the office ladies teased.

"This is a joint operation; please let us help!" Amiya reasoned.

Ch'en turned around and paused for a moment before she turned back to the exit. 

"Reunion forces have gathered. It's likely an attempt to slow us down. Get into formation and bring the Sankta's squad with us." Ch'en sharply said after a small pause.

"Understood." Amiya swiftly replied.

"It's time to eliminate this Reunion threat. Let's go." Ch'en said before exiting the building.

"She's such a softie under that mask." The brown-haired office lady smirked as I was still staring at the Dokutah man. He felt off somehow. 

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