3- Hawks

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Hawks. Starting Hero work at the young age of 18, he quickly rose to become a top hero. No one really knew where Hawks came from and what his real goal was. No one would believe it anyways. 

[Year 2010, Random Park]

Keigo watched as a boy practiced using his quirk. Could he bring him to his school? The school made him give out fliers to kids who could join the school, and the kid seemed talented enough. Keigo went out of the bushes and started talking.

"Hello. Would you like to join Dorushi Private school? Our school supports you with training, dorms, food, and many life experiences. We hope you will join Dorushi Private school, where we help kids become heroes!" Keigo said like he did a million times today. Please accept the offer, he thought. 

The kid had many burns. Keigo had been watching him to see that he trained his quirk everyday. Probably to become a hero. The winged boy seemed to be correct. He handed Touya the flier and could see Touya's face light up.

"Yeah I'll join. What do I need to do?"

Keigo told him all he needed to do and soon received the paper. After checking it, the kid left. His name was Touya Todoroki. Sadly, the boy had not agreed to go into dorms. 

[Year 2010, Dorushi Private School]

A few weeks later, Keigo saw the same boy walking into their school. 

"Hey! Remember me?" Keigo hoped he did.

"Of course, why?" Thankfully, Touya remembered Keigo.

"I'll be showing you around today. Come on!"

Touya followed as Keigo went on and on explaining the place. The school was divided into 3 floors. 1st, 2nd, and 3rd. The 2nd and 3rd floors were underground.

"This will be your schedule. Come to school at 5 o clock and leave at 5 pm. Sounds good?"

"Yes. Very."

"Do you wanna be friends? I mean, you don't have to, but I would like it if you would-" 

"Alright." Touya didn't think much of it then.

That was how Keigo became friends with Touya. The two got spectacular grades. Keigo was better at physical training while Touya used intel and skill to beat the oponents. The two rose to become the 1st and 2nd strongest in the school. The problem started when Touya decided to join the dorms.

[Year 2017, Dorushi Private School]

It had been 7 years since Touya joined. He finally decided to join dorms. Leaving his family. But the school had plans for the boy. As soon as his connection with the public disappeared, they increased the level of his training. Sometimes sending him on dangerous places, for "training" purposes. 

Touya would follow their orders, saying he was fine. But the school went too far.

Kill Shoto Todoroki.

"I can't do that! You know he's my brother! How could you-"

"Are you going against me Todoroki? It is an order! Shoto Todoroki is someone who could reveal Endeavor's abuse. He's dangerous."

"Maybe I am going against you crazy people!!"

The school forced Touya but he declined every time. They used foul ways to persuade Touya.

They went as far as to make Keigo a hostage. Keigo was locked in a room. It was dark and cold. His wings were burnt off. His hands were tied on a chair. And so were his feet. What was happening? It reminded him of his life before Touya. Dark, cold, lonely, and terrifying. 

[Year 2019, Dorushi Private School]

These things happened for years. Until it happpened. 

Touya had been planning the students' escape for months now. Basically, Keigo would take the students out of school grounds while Touya would burn the school, keeping the 'teachers' from going after the others.

As Keigo ran away from the school grounds, taking the younger ones, he smelled a hint of burning cement.

"Father?" asked Touya. There he was. Slowly walking towards him. The father and son stared at the other. Endeavor had come to check on the school. He didn't know he would see an exact copy of his son here. His son was dead. He stared as the boy whispered something that the hero couldn't hear. "Who's that?" he asked Madam Principal. Madam stared as Touya looked at his father in shock and fear. "No one. Just another student." 

That was when it happened. Touya's clothes started burning off. The floor around him seemed to melt in the reddish orange fire. He fell to his knees as the fire grew bigger and... blue. The fire grew into the worst accidents ever. The fire proof glass melted. Everything was chaos. Touya's arms were scarred. His already scarred face started burning. 

At that moment, Touya's only wish was to die. He wanted the pain to go away. 

Something red came to the place. Fire? No... it's red... feathers. Red wings... It was Keigo! 

"Forgot something Touya?" Touya looked over to see Keigo. "What are YOU doing here? Get ou-" Keigo used his hand to cover Touya's mouth. Ignoring his red feathers that were turning into ashes, Keigo picked Touya up and flew him to the woods near the school.

"Where are the others?" Touya asked. "The seniors have the younger ones. It'll be fine. Just rest. I'll be here."
"No... get the others! The commission...they're planning to take them back! Save the others, please...Keigo."
Keigo watched as Touya's eyes watered and tears fell to the ground. Keigo knew, this would be Touya's last moments. Sacrificing himself for the others. 

"I'm sorry...so sorry Touya" Touya smiled as Keigo flew over to the others.

Keigo flew to the others. Touya was right. The HC guards were taking the kids somewhere. Keigo arrived and used his feathers to stab the guard. One by one, he killed off the guards. It scared the guards, and also the kids. "Keigo senpai what are you doing?!" "Stop! I don't like blood. Stop it!" Keigo lowered his feather. It was something he always did. But something hurt.

"Papa, please don't kill the guy. He didn't do anything wrong!" No. He didn't want to be like his father.

The guards took him and he was sent to a cell. He had failed them. He had failed Touya. He should have killed those guards. But he couldn't. The kids were terrified. Keigo didn't want them to look at him like that ever again. "I'm sorry Touya... I really am." 

[Year 2019, Hawks' apartment]

It was a winter afternoon when Keigo found out Touya might be alive. 

'Hawks. There has been a report about a man killed by a villain. A villain with blue flames. We need you to come here NOW.' I flew over to the scene. There the villain was. He couldn't see the villains' face but he somehow knew. This was Touya. How? Maybe because blue fire was quite a rare quirk and Touya was the only one who knew how to control it that way. 

"Touya?" I asked, "That's you, right?" The villain stared at me. He shot blue fire at me and the next second, he was gone. Touya was gone. But for some reason, Hawks was smiling. 

Few months later he got a call from Nezu informing that a villain was caught and put into a program he made. A villain named Dabi. Hawks looked through the files.


Real Name: Unknown

Age: 17

Quirk: Cremation

-Ability to create blue flames

Kill Count: 30+

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