16- Hero Killer

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[Year 2021 November 20th, Endeavor's agency]

Endeavor sighed. He paced around his office he had ever since he became the Number 2 hero. His mind was a mess. Touya's journal told him that Touya was alive and that villains somehow helped the students of Dorushi escape. But, when he looked into where the Dorushi school's students were, they had moved to another school under the Hero Commission. If villains really helped, they would've escaped by now. So, why weren't they free from the commission? 

"Something must've went wrong with the escape." Fuyumi was on the couch, rereading the few lines from Touya's journal.

"Yes, I know. But what could've done it? When you see the map, behind was the plan in full detail written in *the pigpen cipher. "

(*the pigpen cipher is a geometric simple substitution cipher, which exchanges letters for symbols which are fragments of a grid. You can search it up, if you don't get it. I surely didn't get it at first. It's a really interesting way to hide your notes)

It consisted of burning the place down and using himself as bait for the teachers to go after. He was the number one student which meant he would be the biggest target. Then he would lead them to the woods, where Stain, the hero killer, would help him fight off the teachers while the other students would follow the older students, including Keigo to the outside, where he would then go to meet them. 

It was a simple yet still a good plan. If the hero killer had really decided to help Touya for some reason, he would've done so. He had seen the hero killer once. The villain was strong, skilled, and a good thinker. But if the plan failed, it could mean a few things...

"Either Stain betrayed them, or more people came from the Hero Commission to help the teachers." Fuyumi finished his thought.

"Right, I should go meet Stain." he put on his coat and opened the door, he remembered Fuyumi was there and turned around. "And you can go back to our home. I could give you a ride"

"What?! No way! I'm going too. I'm not letting you do this by yourself."

"I am stronger and I am the number one hero. I can handle-"

"It's not wether you can or cannot. It's wether you're worthy or no- I meant-" she bit her lip.

"Fine. But don't be reckless when in there. Tartarus is a very dangerous place." he sighed. 

"Yes, I will"

[Year 2021 November 20th, Tartarus Prison]

The lady in the entrance checked for weapons of any sort and soon said, "Yep, you're ready Endeavor. And are you sure you want your daughter to be here with you? It's quite dangerous-" 

"I'm sure." Fuyumi spoke first. She had already made up her mind.

"Alright then, you have 10 minutes to talk with Stain. Be careful, he's really... weird?"

"Thank you~" Fuyumi went into the room. A glass blocked the villain from attacking her. 

His face was bandaged in a sort of X shape and also bandaged on his forehead and chin. His messy black hair covering his eyes. His head was hung low as if he didn't want to be bothered. 

"Hello, Stain. Hero killer" Endeavor said. Fuyumi followed her father and said, "Hi." as small as a mouse's squeak.

Stain looked at her then at Endeavor. He rolled his eyes. "You? Ugh. And who's she, your servant?" 

She walked towards the villain and pressed her glasses to her nose. "I'm his daughter, and I came here to ask you about Touya. Do you know anything about him?" she asked, expecting a reaction.

"Oh, so you're his daughter. Should've known from those eyes. And... uhm Little Todoroki?, I don't know who the hell Touya is. So could you just leave me alone now?"

Fuyumi's jaw dropped. "What? What do you mean? Touya! You know, uh... white hair and blue eyes...?" 

"Are you talking about yourself? I don't get who that is." now, the both were confused.

"No! I-" she was lost on words. She thought Stain might try and hide it but it seemed that he really didn't know who Touya was. "I'll try asking him, Fuyumi." Endeavor decided to try and ask this person.

"Do you really not know Touya?" he asked, impatient as ever.

"I told you, I don't know anyone named-"

"He went to Dorushi Private School. Burned it down actually. As far as I know, he asked for your help to burn down Dorushi Private School."

"Huh? Oh! You're talking about Dorushi's number one? Yeah, I know him. But why should I tell you anything?" Stain said while staring at Endeavor with hatred.

"Because I am his father. I have the right to- "

"You do not have any right to know. If I know one thing about Touya or whatever his real name is, it's that his father was someone that neglected him. And to find out you're his father. I can see why he hates his father so much. I would also hate to have someone like you as a father." he looked away from Endeavor to look at Fuyumi. "... But, I could tell her. If she promises not to tell you."

"What? No way-"
"Alright. I won't tell him" "Fuyumi! What are you-"  "so could you tell me where he is? He's not hurt is he?" she said, full of worry.

"He's fine. You heard her, now get out!" he turned back to Fuyumi as Endeavor left in fury. Stain grinned as he saw the man frustrated.

 "Alright, what do you want to hear." he asked her.

"Is- Ummm... Where is Touya?" she asked, she didn't want to admit it, but the villain was really scary.

"Hmmm, I don't know but last thing I know, he went to the streets."

"The streets-? How-" she let out a breath and calmed herself down. "Why did you help his school escape? You didn't have any reason to, did you?"

"Well, firstly, that school was trash. It was only right to let those kids escape. And second, he made a deal with me."

"A deal?" her head tilted to one side, "what kind of deal?"

"I would help his classmates escape, and he would teach me stuff." he said, like it was not complicated.

"He would teach you... math? or english? What'd he teach you?" she said, what could've a 16 year old teach a villain like him?

"He taught me what the school taught him. How to fight, and how to kill."

"What are you saying? Touya doesn't know how to kill anyone- wait. He burned down the school which would mean, he tried to kill the teachers... But that was once, I'm sure... he wouldn't have... Oh. Oh Touya." she whispered. Where was her brother, and why did all these clues say that he was a killer. Touya was a kind and strong person. Kinder than anyone, he was so pure but his journal and Stain's words. She stared into Stain's eyes. "No! Touya is the most kind hearted person I know. He would never kill anyone. Ever!"

"You'll see, young Todoroki. You'll see the dirty truth one day."

"Fuyumi Todoroki. It is your time to leave. Please take all your things and leave." the same lady as before told her. Fuyumi stood up and walked out the door as Stain watched her back as if entertained.

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