5- Internships (2)

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"Oh Dabi. Hawks called you on the phone. Would you mind calling him?" the pink face asked. "I don't have his number though." Dabi answered, clearly annoyed.

"That's fine. You can use the common room's phone."

He picked up the phone and pressed the numbers written on a note that said Hawks: xxx-xxx-xxx (pretend that's a phone number). 

'Hello. Hawks here. Who's calling??'

'Dabi. From UA.' Dabi felt weird to call himself "from UA" he felt like he had to say 'from the LOV' or maybe even 'from Dorushi Private School'

'Oh Dabi you called! Just wanted to tell you you're joining me for the intern thingy~! Bye.'

'What-?' AND... he hung up. Annoying. Just like he used to be. 

Dabi wondered if Hawks would remember him. More specifically, if Hawks would remember Touya. His childhood best friend. 

As Dabi remembered, Keigo was what a perfect hero would be like. Always smiling, wanting to save everyone... Keigo was always the opposite of Touya. What Keigo loved, Touya hated. What Touya loved, Keigo disliked. The reason they became close was probably because of shared trauma. Touya was neglected, Keigo was abused. But no one took them seriously. 

But enough about the past, Dabi was busy right now. Hawks was about to come and take Tokoyami and him to his work. "You should smile more! Maybe Hawks is taking you two because you two need to learn how to smile!" the pink faced sunshine said while smiling. "Revelry in the dark..." the emo bird mumbled. "Shut your mouth." Dabi told the bird. And Tokoyami did. But he did give the villain a few hateful stares. Though Dabi noticed, he chose to ignore the stares. 

"Heyo guys~! Welcome to the team!" One of the interns welcomed the two. The intern reminded Dabi of Keigo. He watched as another intern started whispering to the one that welcomed them. After listening to probably news that Dabi was a villain, the intern stared at Dabi, looking up and down. He then took Tokoyami's hand and went walking, talking about what they would be doing. 

"Oh. Dabi! And Tokoyami! Welcome, nice to meet you two." Hawks said to the two. Staring at Dabi. "So you're Dabi..." Dabi stared at Hawks. Hawks usually got to know someone by looking into their eyes. Dabi was no different.

Dabi had blue eyes. That was obvious. His purple scars and black hair covered his eyes a bit but Hawks could still see his blue eyes. Mainly because his eyes were glowing a bit. The shine in his eyes reminded him of Endeavor's except Dabi's eyelashes were a few milimeters longer. It felt like a mix of Endeavor's and Fuyumi's. (Btw Fuyumi's eyes are blue cannonically in the manga.)

"What." the villain said. Was he staring too much? "Nothing~ " His eyes... a mix of Endeavor's and Fuyumi's... just like Touya's.

"Now. All you have to do is to take care of the aftermaths when I defeat the villain. Try and keep up."


A bit short... I know, but I hope you liked reading it. ^^

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