Alternate ending

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⚠️Warning: attempted suicide⚠️

Burnt Nugget: Dabi
Magic man: Mr compress
Crusty: Shigaraki
Mama: Kurigiri
Vampire: Toga
Double trouble: Twice
Teenage Ninja Turtle: Spinner

Dabi Pov:
I looked down at the drop below. It's about 7 stories tall. Turning my attention at my phone I saw that I had a text from the Lov group chat.

Magic man
Where'd you vanish off to Dabi?

Burnt Nugget
That's none of your business

We need to discuss a mission get back here immediately!

Burnt Nugget
I don't want to though

Dabi come back to the base immediately,

Burnt Nugget
What if I never come back? What would you do then?

Are you leaving the Lov?!
You can't leave me!!!


Dabi you cannot leave you are an important member of the League of villains. If you weren't here our chances of success will be far lower.

Double trouble
Please do leave!
Wait don't!

Burnt Nugget
I'm not leaving
Calm down

Teenage Ninja Turtle
Come back then!

Burnt Nugget


Burnt Nugget
My real name...

Go on

Burnt Nugget
Is Touya Todoroki...

Wait what?!

Teenage Ninja Turtle
As in Endeavor's last name!?

Burnt Nugget

Magic man
Where are you going?!

Burnt Nugget Is Offline

The chat continued to spam asking where I had gone. It was nice to know at least there were people who actually cared about me in life. I wrote a note before I left the base and from the texts they seemed to have found it.

I looked below at the ground below, only one step and I could no longer have to share the same world as Endeavor or anyone else. After a few moments of hesitation I stepped over the edge...

The wind blew across my face as I fell. Blood leaked from my scars and ran down, staining my shirt. I closed my eyes for the final time before I hit the ground...

Kurogiri Pov

I saw Dabi's text and it instantly clicked in my head what he meant. I was lucky enough that the second place I teleported to was where he was. The burnt villain plummeted to the ground...

I launched myself towards him and grabbed him tightly in my arms. He looked back at me blood staining his face and shirt. His eyes were wide with shock as he looked back up at me.

"Don't tell the others..." He whispered.

"I will!" I yelled back in response.

I opened a portal back to his room, Toga was snooping around looking for something. 

"Oi!" Dabi yelled at her while running over to his desk and picking up a piece of paper before burning it into a pile of ash.

"Why are you so rude Touya!?" she yelped back at the taller figure.

"Come on," I told the duo while heading out of the door and walking to where the lov where.

"Oi! Dabi! Wait no-Touya! Where were you!?" Shigaraki yelled running over to us.

"Attempting suicide," I told the him, raising my voice so everyone could hear.

"He what!?" everyone yelled, looking over at his with shock.

Dabi/Touya Pov 

"Never do that again! Please!" Shiggy yelled at me, tears streaming from his eyes. 

"I won't," I told him, wrapping my arms around him as he hugged into me tightly.

"Promise?" he whispered, not letting me out of the hug.

"Promise," I told him.

Dabi's deathWhere stories live. Discover now