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Tokoyami Pov
I walked beside my mentor Hawks. He was oddly quiet for the normally cheerful bird.
"Are you ok?" I asked him.
"Yeah," he told me, giving me his signature smile. I looked at him in concern, it was obviously a fake smile. All of a sudden he flew off and caught a villain that just robbed a store nearby. We were on patrol and he had an excuse to not answer me.

I noticed the Number 1 hero fighting some other villains on another street. As fast as possible, I ran over to Endeavor to help him fight off the villains. There is a bunch of low level villains attacking on the street and Hawks quickly flew over to help me out.

We arrested the villains after only 20 minutes of fighting. I went over to Todoroki, Bakugo and Midorya as they were with Endeavor at the time. After a while, I noticed Hawks landing onto the ground. His eyes seemed angry...

I watched him in horror as he grabbed one of his sharp feathers and launched himself at the No.1 hero. Endeavor quickly noticed the attack and threw him to the ground.

"What was that for?!" Endeavor yelled at him. Hawks continued to glare at the No.1 hero. Some of the police noticed the fight and came to break it up.

Me and the other UA students there watched in shock. The number 2 hero just tried to attack the number 1 hero. What caused this?!

We spent a while patrolling the area.
"What do you think that was about?" Midorya asked as we walked down from the street, looking down the alleyways as we passed by for villains.
"I have no idea..." I whispered quietly. Hawks has never acted like this before.

Toga Pov
I went over to where a villain attack just took place as the number one hero was there. As soon as I got there, I saw Hawks glaring at Endeavor angrily. I called the League up and told them to join me, time for revenge for Dabi...

Kurigiri opened a portal beside me and the Lov followed after him. We headed down to where Endeavor was talking to some police officers. I grabbed my knife in my hand and ran towards him.

He looked around in panic and the police began to shoot at me. Hawks just watched from the side of the battle, doing nothing to help the No.1 hero.
"Revenge!" I yelled at him, pinning him down to the ground. He threw me away with his flames. sending me flying into the wall nearby, luckily Hawks' feather caught me just in time.

I watched as the rest of the league began to beat the hero as police shot at them. As fast as possible, I flew myself at him slicing my knife through his neck. Blood began to flow from the wound.

"Remember this. The past never dies!" Me, the league and Hawks yelled at him furiously.

Some of the hero students came over to help the No.1 hero but Hawks stopped them from reaching him. Shigaraki flew himself at Endeavor landing the killing blow on him.

He soon crumbled to dust on the ground.

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