The league's grief

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Toga Pov
I placed my head into my hands. They almost instantly filled with my tears. My older brother was gone. It had been hours since we found him and I haven't stopped. I hate feeling this weak!

After a while, I felt a gentle hand on my shoulder. I looked up and saw Compress standing there, tears in his own eyes. He sat down beside me, pulling me into a tight hug. I placed my head onto his chest and continued to sob.

We stayed like this until I eventually stopped crying. By the time I stopped, the night had already passed. The sun rose in the sky, the stars fading away from sight. Compress picked me up from the floor and took me to where the League was.

All of them, except for Kurigiri, had puffy red eyes from sobbing, even Shigaraki. Dabi may have been cold but he was everyone's brother. I wiped off the remaining tears from my eyes as Compress placed me down and we walked over to the others.

Kurigiri was making pancakes in the kitchen to cheer us all up. I could he's a kinder person than Endeavor was just from that. I scowled at the thought of what that man did to my big brother. He will pay for what he's done. I flipped a knife before launching it at the TV (Endeavor had just come on), shattering it into a million different pieces.

Compress placed a hand on my shoulder comfortingly as tears began to well up in my eyes again. Kurigiri passed me a pancake to eat.

"I'm going to go get some fresh air..." I told them after I had finished the food I had been given.
"Be back by tonight," Kurigiri told me.
"Got it..." I said before leaving the base and walking into the streets nearby.

Luckily no one noticed me when I was walking round as my hair wasn't in it's infamous space buns. I saw the odd hero patrolling every now and again, at one point I saw Izuku but I wasn't in the mood to attack for once. He didn't see me.

Hawks Pov
Where is he? I thought looking around for the burnt villain. He's never late to our meetings. Even when I scoured the entire bridge and the buildings near it, he was nowhere in sight.

After a while I saw someone walk over towards me. I thought it would be Dabi but it was Kurigiri. Still a member of the Lov I guess.
"Hiya!" I chirped, waving at the misty villain.
"Good evening Hawks," he greeted. He looked sad about something. I tilted my head confused.
"Where's Dabi?" I asked the purple villain.
"He's dead..." Kurigiri said shakily.

Grief flooded through me at those words. If it was anyone else I wouldn't have believed them but Kurigiri doesn't lie, he's honest, not a jokester.
"W..what h..happened?" I asked shakily.
"He committed suicide..." he told me. Tears began to blur my vision as some rolled down my face.

I wiped them off with my glove before Kurigiri passed me a piece of paper with writing on.
"It's the note he left at the base, thought you would like to read it..." he told me as I put it into my pocket. I went home after that.

After I had read though the note, I vowed to avenge the death of my childhood best friend. Endeavor will pay for what he did to his children and wife.

Dabi's deathWhere stories live. Discover now