"I love her, and I can't lose her again!"

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When we got to the front door, Nancy kept ringing the doorbell.

Nancy and Jonathan looked at El and so did the group. I knew what she was about to do, and it made me wince when she did. She opened the door, and we walked in. "Tom? Heather?" Nancy called out. We kept walking when Nancy asked a weird question. "Do you guys smell that?" I sniffed the air and it smell like baking soda and stuff. We walked to the kitchen to be met with a lot of chemicals. "More chemicals," Nancy said. "Do you think they consume this shit?" Jonathan asked. "Yeah, in fact they just went on a cleaning spree." Nancy said and I closed my eyes to try and see the mind flayer at least for a little bit. 

I was seeing Billy and Heather over 2 bodies who I think were Tom and his wife. They were telling them that it would all be over soon, and I looked to the side to see this huge flesh thing that looked like the mind flayer in flesh form. It turned to me and so did Billy and Heather. The monster screeched which scared me and I opened my eyes to be met with being shaken by Mike and Nancy. "Why the hell were you not moving?" Nancy asked me. I debated on if I wanted to tell them yet, but I knew now was not the best time. Mike got a paper towel and wiped my nose. I thanked him and looked at the others. "I cannot say yet because even I don't know how to explain it." I said to them. "Let's go now, we need to go now," Mike told me and grabbed my arm. We made it back to the car except Mike brought me into the back with him and Will. "Was it?" Mike asked me as we drove off. I nodded and he understood. I had really only told Mike and Will because I trust them the most with these kinds of things. We just sat in pretty much silence the whole car ride to the hospital.

We got there and I went to sit down but El grabbed my arm. I didn't want to fight with her, so I just had her let go and I stood next to Mike. I didn't like hospitals and Mike knew that. I have had a phobia of them since I was 7, I am not getting into the story. We were then brought to sit down but Mike brought me with Lucas to the vending machine. Mike tried to get a kit kat, but it didn't work, so him and Lucas were trying to make it drop. "Let me try something," I told them. They looked at me then stepped back. I walked towards it while also grabbing a paper clip from my pocket. It was already bent because I always use it to picklock stuff. I went to the lock and pick locked it. Lucas and Mike stared at me in amusement as I opened it as I stood up. They thanked me while I went over to where El, Max, and Will were. "Hey," I said waving as I sat on the floor in front of them. They all stared at me, trying not to laugh. I furrowed my eyebrows at them in confusion. "What?" "You really carry a paper clip with you to pick lock stuff?" Max asked me. I didn't know if they were mad or something, so I just nodded. They laughed and I was about to say something, but Max got up to go with Lucas. But before she went to him, she pulled me up off the floor and made me sit next to El. I didn't mind, I honestly would love to sit next to El. Mike looked at me and motioned to her mouthing, 'talk to her' giving me some candy as he took Will to have a competition with Lucas and Max to see who could catch the most skittles with their mouths. "Hey," I said to El. "Hi." "Do you like Hershey's M 'n' M's?" When I asked her, her and me were now making eye contact and she put her hand out. I opened the bag and gave her some. She smiled so I decided to complement her. "I like the new look by the way." "Thanks." She said to me, and I told her I'd be right back, and I grabbed a magazine. When I came back, we were reading it together and she had her head on my shoulder. I looked over at Mike because I could feel him staring at me and he was smiling. I rolled my eyes and went back to reading but Will got up. We looked at him then the ceiling to see the lights flickering. We all stood up to stand near him. I grabbed the back of my neck and looked at Will. He looked at me and we both spoke, "He's here." We then rushed past the front desk lady and Max tried the elevator, but it did not work. We ran up the stairs to find Jonathan trying to open a door. We came closer and El used her powers to open the door. There was this flesh thing and El started to fling it around then flung it out of the room. We ran down the stairs and outside to find the flesh thing going into the drain, only leaving a bone behind. Everyone else was freaking out but I wasn't. I already knew what it looked like so why be freaked out. We made our way to Hop's cabin to have El try and find Billy. 

We got there and El went to her room to do it so there were no noises. Nancy, Jonathan, and Will were all at the kitchen counter, calling farms while the rest of us were on the couch. I was pacing around because El has already used her powers a lot and I was becoming more and more worried for her. "It can't be good for her to be in there this long," I said. "Maddie, you need to relax," Max said back to me. "What is she gets brain damage or something?" Mike said and I stopped to look at him as if he was crazy. "Oh shit, is that like a real thing?" Lucas asked. "No, it's not, Mike made it up, he obviously doesn't know what he's talking about," Max said. "Oh, and you do?" I ask her. "No." "Then how do you know if it isn't a real thing, I mean you also tell me to relax when you barely know anything about her powers." I tell her getting a little annoyed. Max stands up and walks over to Nancy, Jonathan, and Will and we follow her.

"Okay can you settle an argument for us. Who do you think should decide El's limits? Maddie? or Eleven?" Max said as we stopped in front of them. "The way you frame that is such bull shit," I tell her and turn my head to her. "It's not bullshit Maddie. This is your whole problem, and it's also precisely the reason why she dumped your ass." Max says to me. "El dumped you?" Nancy asked me. "Yeah, because she's conspiring against Maddie. She's corrupting El." Mike said, trying to join the argument. "I'm enlightening her. The fact is, she's not yours. She's her own person, capable of making her own decisions." "She's risking her own life for no reason!" I spoke. "For no reason? Maddie, the flayed are out there doing god knows what." Nancy says. "Killing," Lucas said. "Flaying," Mike said also. "Transforming into monsters," Will says as they are all now facing me. "El's not stupid, she knows her abilities better than any of us." Nancy said. "Exactly thank you," Max said and I glared at her. "And she is her own person." "Exactly." "With her own free will." "Exactly, El has saved the world twice, and Maddie still doesn't trust her." Max said. "You want to talk about trust, really? After you made El spy on us?" Mike asked Max in a yelling tone. "Wait what?" Lucas asked Mike. "Oh, your girlfriend didn't tell you?" "No." "She used El's powers to spy on you guys," I say. "No, no, no, I did not make her, it was her idea. And why are we even talking about this, seriously." Max said. "Yeah, who cares." Will said. "I care," Lucas says. "Yeah, I guess girlfriend don't lie, they spy." Mike said. I knew he wasn't including me. "So, it would have been funny if Mike was taking a massive shit?" "But he wasn't," Max said. "But what if he was?" "Then gross." "Really Maddie?" Nancy said to me. "I'm just trying to demonstrate how careless Max is with Eleven's powers. In fact, how careless all of you are. You're treating her like she's some kind of machine when she's not a machine, and I don't want her to die looking for the flayed when they've obviously vanished off the face of the earth. So can we please just come up with a new plan because I love her, and I can't lose her again!" I rambled. A few were shocked while others were smiling. El's door opened, and she walked out so we faced her. "What's going on?" She asked. "Nothing! Nothing." I said and looked down, my cheeks bright red. "Just a family discussion," Lucas said. "Oh. I found him." "Found who?" Nancy asked El. 

A/N: Hope y'all love this, this isn't as long as the last one, but I promise that it is worth it. I will make the next Chapter tomorrow after school. So, see you guys tomorrow when I publish my next chapter.

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