I. meeting everyone

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season 1, episode 1 pt

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season 1, episode 1 pt.1

Janessa Adams, the loving girlfriend of Conrad Fisher. They have been dating for about 9 months now. Nessa wasn't just Conrad's girlfriend though, she was also the captain of the volleyball team and the nicest popular girl in school. She wouldn't call herself popular though.

Conrad and Nessa met when she moved to his school. She was new, therefore everyone was seeing her as a new shiny toy. Conrad caught her eye the first day she saw him. He was the only guy in the school that wasn't obsessing over her. She admired that.

Nessa also caught Conrad's eye the first time he saw her. However, seeing that everyone else was pining after her he didn't give her the satisfaction of him doing it too. Little did he know that's what drew her in.

Jeremiah quickly became friends with Nessa and introduced her to Conrad. They hit it off and started dating a month later. Everything was perfect, Susannah loved her, Jeremiah loved her, and Nessa's family loved Conrad.

Things started to get bumpy about two months ago, however. Conrad wasn't acting like himself. Nessa was patient and knew he would tell her on his own time.

She was ecstatic whenever he asked if she wanted to spend the summer in Cousins with him, his family, and their family friends. She quickly agreed which led her to be here, at the beach unpacking in a room. She smiled contently when her stuff was all up. A chorus of knocks came from the door.

"Come in" She replied chipperly. Conrad opened the door and made his way to her bed, smiling at her softly. She stood in between his legs and his hands rested on her hips. He peered up at her and she looked down at him. 

"Your beautiful" He whispered. It might sound cliche, but Nessa's heart skipped a beat. Conrad hadn't really been affectionate lately, so this was nice. She let out a soft giggle, bent over, and softly kissed his lips. After pulling away, Conrad let out a hum and took a moment before opening his eyes again. 

A squeal leaves Nessa's lips as Conrad drags her on top of him when he lays down. Their laughs ring in the air. Conrad pauses and just admires the girl in his arms. He felt bad about how he has been acting recently. 

"Why are you staring at me?' Nessa asked with a big smile and a blush on her face. Conrad cups her face softly and kisses her, gentle and slow. 

"My girl. My beautiful, beautiful girl" Conrad whispers as he runs his hand down her back. His hands barely even go under the waistband of Nessa's shorts. A shiver goes up her spine and her cheeks are a dark crimson color. 

The door swings open causing both teens to snap their heads to it. Jeremiah stood their with a giddy smile on his face. 

"Conklin's are here!" He yelled out before sprinting away. An excited smile made its way to Nessa's face. 

"Let's go, love. I've been waiting to meet them" Nessa says as she gets up and reaches her hands out for Conrad to take. Conrad takes her hand and she pulls him up. 

They make their way outside and Nessa starts to feel nervous. Conrad, noticing she was getting jittery, squeezes her hand in reassurance. She smiles gratefully at him. 

Everyone comes to view and Nessa feels like she might throw up. She really wanted these people to like her. Conrad stops in place and Nessa looks at him confused. She follows his line of sight to see a beautiful girl. That must be Belly. She thought.

"Nessa, come meet everyone" Jeremiah yells at the girl. She smiles at Conrad before going over there. 

"This is Nessa, Conrad's girlfriend" Jeremiah introduces her to who she presumed to be Steven and Laurel. Laurel smiles at the girl and says hello. 

"You and Conrad, how did he get you" Steven said. Nessa giggled at the older boys comment. 

"It's really nice to meet you all" Nessa softly says, trying not to sound like she's trying too hard. 

Steven and Jeremiah turn to Conrad and Belly. Nessa not really understanding what they were doing went inside with the moms. 

She had a feeling they were gonna be a lot of her comfort this summer. Her mom walked out on her dad when Nessa was only 4 years old. She was into drugs and was constantly cheating on him. Nessa's dad was her rock. She felt bad for leaving him this summer, but he has a new wife and another kid now. Nessa liked her step-mother, and her little brother too. 

Seeing that the moms had gone somewhere that Nessa couldn't find, she went upstairs to her room. She laid on her bed and opened up Tiktok. Being bored was something that used to be very rare for Nessa. She used to always occupy herself or hang out with people, but ever since Conrad became a little distant it's been a frequent activity for the girl. 

Her door swung open and in came a soaking wet Conrad. He plopped on her bed next to her. 

"Conrad, not the bed!" Conrad laughed as Nessa playfully pushed him off the bed. She got up and went over to him. His hands found their way to her hips and pulled their bodies closer so they were touching. 

Conrad's fingers played with the hem of Nessa's oversized t-shirt. The simple action caused butterflies to erupt in Nessa's stomach. Soft smiles were exchanged between the two. 

"I like this" Nessa said running her finger down Conrad's jaw. His arms wrapped around her waist and he buried his head in her neck. Nessa wrapped her arms around his neck. 

"Me too" He mumbled. Nessa closed her eyes savoring the moment while running her hands through his hair.  

Nessa walked down the hallway from her and Conrads room to the bathroom. Seeing the door locked she knocked on the door. 

"Give me a minute!" Came a voice from inside. Nessa waited patiently until the bathroom door swung open. Belly walked out and paused when she saw Nessa. 

Nessa, seeing this as an opportunity, decided to introduce herself. "Your Belly, right?" She asked with a small smile on her face. The girl in front of her nodded. 

"I've heard so much about you! I'm Nessa" She smiled widely and outstretched her hand. Belly hesitantly shook her hand. 

"It's great to finally meet you" Nessa said. Belly nodded giving the girl a tight lipped smile. "It's nice to meet you too" She says before brushing past her and walking down the stairs. 


a/n: first chapter!!!!!!!!! I hope you enjoyed it!! 

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