Chapter Eight: Deliveries and Designers

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Okay, I realize they just met, so this might be a little dramatic? But like...fanfiction....soo....Also fun fact I've had this done for like months, but I wanted to tack 2 scenes onto the end of this, and I haven't had the time. So finally I was like oh well I'll just publish what I have now. So IM REALLY SORRY BUT HERE! Also I promise there will be fluff soon! Either next chapter or the one after that.


People milled around the large lobby, some lining up for tours, others standing awkwardly trying to read maps. It had been three days since the article had come out, and Alec still hadn't called Magnus back. He was beginning to revert to his old "if you ignore it, it'll go away." Philosophy that he had used when he first suspected he was gay. Even though ignoring it had only made it worse, it was the only way he knew how to cope with these kinds of things.

"Hey Alec!" Alec jumped, looking around. Rose, one of the part time tour guides was standing near the time cards.

"Oh...hey Rose.""Hey what's got you so down?" She asked, walking a few steps toward him.

"" Alec stumbled on his words, looking around awkwardly.

"Girl trouble?" She looked sympathetic.

He laughed softly. If only. "You could say that." "Well, I'm sure it'll all work out. Looks like you have your tour all assembled though, better run!"

He glanced over to where she had indicated. There was a gaggle of half excited half bored people standing near the TOUR START sign.

"Oh! Right." He rushed towards them.

"Good luck!!" Rose called after him.


Alec wandered away from the coffee shop in the lobby, clutching a double espresso. Usually he prefered something plain, like black coffee, but today he needed the caffeine. The museum was usually packed at noon on a Friday, but the weather had been unusually warm today, so all the tourists were crammed in central park, and doing things outside. He wandered up a couple of flights of stairs and ended up where he always did, in the Shadowhunter room. He walked over to his usual place on the bench in front of the weapons case. Setting his coffee down next to him, he pulled out a sketchbook and started drawing. After about 10 minutes, someone spoke from the doorway.

"Thought I'd find you here." Alec jumped, almost spilling his coffee and whipped around. Magnus was standing, leaning against the doorframe, his tan arms crossed over his chest. Even though he was wearing a nondescript gray hoodie pulled over his face and sunglasses, Alec could still tell it was him.

"W-what are you doing here?" He stuttered, looking around nervously.

"Relax, it's just me. You weren't answering my calls or texts, I was just worried, thats all." He walked hesitantly over to the bench and sat down next to Alec.

"What are you doing?"

"Cataloging weapons. I'm trying to learn about all of them." Alec said, quietly, not making eye contact.

"You have a lot of bow and arrows." He mused. Alec blushed slightly.

"Those are my favorite." They sat in awkward silence for a few moments, Alec looking at his hands, and Magnus looking at Alec.

"I think we need to talk." Magnus said, finally. Alec made a slight noise of agreement, not looking up.

"So......what do you want to do."

When Alec met Magnus (A Malec fanfic. Duh)Where stories live. Discover now