Chapter One: Shady Obsessions and Ugly Ass Scarves

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Ohmygod I actually wrote something?? What??? This is unheard off!!! So this is kind of based off a (Destiel) fanfic by Kincon which I read last night at it was SO CUTE AHHH. BTW THIS IS HUMAN AU (BTW I’m writing this in a hospital at 6am sorry if its bad)


     Mrs. Anna Knot’s sigh of exasperation was a shock to Alec the first time he had heard it. It reminded him of a dying walrus kind of, but now he was used to it, considering it happened about 50 times a day (Most of which were directed at him.) “What did you do this time?” Clary sighed, walking over.

   “These stupid ties! What in the Hades is an eldridge knot and how am I supposed to know how to fold it!” He huffed, tossing down the mangled tie.

    Clary sighed and rolled her eyes. “Here let me handle it.” The clicking of Mrs. Knots heels was getting louder.

     “Thanks Clary.”

     “No problem. Besides, I promised your sister I’d look out for you.” She grinned.

     Alec glared at her. “I don’t need-”

     “Go!” Clary hissed.

      Alec darted away towards the counter, managing to knock over a rack of extremely expensive dresses in the process.



    Alec leaned his elbows on the counter in front of him, head propped up between them. He had worked the night shift at the Museum and now was opening the store. He had thought moving to New York and getting a job and an apartment and everything would solve all his problems, but now it just seemed like they had added to them. He had two jobs, got no sleep, lived in a crappy apartment and had a huge amount of student loans. His eyes closed and his elbow slipped forward, knocking into a picture on the counter. “Crap!” He whispered as the picture toppled over and shattered.

    Quickly Alec ducked out and began trying to hurriedly fix the glass which had been covering a picture of Mrs. Knot’s brother, Castiel, and his new husband. (A/N: Which of course is Dean. Duh. xD) “Mr. Lightwood!”
   Alec sighed and braced himself for another lecture. “Does this look like a crappy VF  store to you?”

   He shook his head, trying to shield the broken glass. “Right. So pray tell why I found clothes hung backwards, in the wrong place, ties knotted incorrectly, and this 800 dollar cardigan sweater designed by Magnus Bane with a stain on it!”
   Alec winced. He had knocked over a bottle of bleach onto that sweater, and put it back, hoping no one would notice the white blotch on the hem. “This is the kind of mediocre, sloppy work that I do not tolerate in my store! We have designers coming in this afternoon, including Magnus Bane who’s sweater you spilled bleach on!” She shrieked, now on the brink of going hysterical.

    “Do not mess up again.” She whirled around on her heels and marched away.


     “I don’t understand her obsession with him.’s a sweater. Is he really such a douche that he’d care??” Alec complained to Clary, dusting the counters.

    She raised an eyebrow . “Wow, you really have it out for this guy.”

    “Hey I almost got fired because of him! Who is he anyways and why is like...everybody obsessed with him.”
     “Umm….Magnus Bane? Did you just ask who Magnus Bane is?” Clary stared at him as though he had just asked if chickens grew on trees.

    “Yeah. Personally I think he sounds kinda shady.”

     “He’s only the hottest designer in New York right now!”

      “I’ve seen his stuff, its no better than half the other things in here.”
       “No, Alec….you don’t understand.” She leaned forward, smirking. “Hes literally the hottest fashion designer. He was among the top ten of People Magazines most attractive people of 2013.”

    Alec huffed. “Sounds shady.” He muttered under his breath.


      “And he was all like, oh coral and blue totally don’t go together, and I was all like Um excuse me anyways long story short his Gucci silk knitted scarf accidently got a huge wine stain on it.”

    “Magnus! That scarf is really expensive!!” Camille scolded.

     The sparkly haired man sitting next to her rolled his eyes. “Whatever. It was ugly.”

      “Thats no excuse.”

      “West 87 and Baxter Street” She said to the driver.
      “Yes it is, its in the bible.” Magnus continued.

       Camille sighed dramatically. “Here we go again.”

       “Thou shalt not whereth thine ugly ass things out in thy public.”

        “I’m pretty sure the bible doesn’t use words like ‘ugly ass’”
        “I was paraphrasing.”

         She rolled her eyes. “Right. Sure you were, anyways, work.” She handed him a file with The Knot written in fancy lettering on it.

      He groaned. “Uhhhgg. Work. Hopefully the workers are cute this time.” He said, flipping open the file.

      Camille grinned. “I’m sure they’ll be breathtakingly sexy. Who know’s, maybe you’ll find your soulmate.”

      Magnus laughed. “Yeah right, cause my soul mate is dusting counters at some random store.”
     “Aww you never know, it could be like in the movies.”

     He rolled his eyes, “Yeah right “The beautiful stranger with family issues who works two jobs to support himself and the majestic sexy rich guy fall in love and get married and live happily ever after.”  He said, imitating the voice of those guys on romantic trailers.

    Camille giggled. “Well when you put it that way, it does sound stupid.”


A/n: Hehehehehehehehehehehehe. Anyways, hoped you liked it! This is probably going to turn out to be a short book, I’ll try and update regularly now that I have an idea!! But then again…..Its me soooo…..(BTW I write this is google docs so idk if the italics transfer) (Sorry)


When Alec met Magnus (A Malec fanfic. Duh)Where stories live. Discover now