Chapter Nine: Wrongs and Rights

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Chapter Nine: Wrongs and Rights

This is super long so I hope you like it :) (Also just fyi theres some crude language in it)

"I miss you."

"I miss you too."

"Listen, Alec..." Magnus stepped inside and shut the door.

"Here are the files for the museum." Alec interrupted him, holding out the folders.

Magnus smiled and took them. "Right. Thanks, I'll...give them to Vi." He said, walking over and placing them on the desk.

Alec turned to face him, shifting awkwardly. "Right....well....thanks."

After a few moments of silence Magnus spoke. "We need to talk."

"Deja vu." Alec muttered under his breath, thinking about a few weeks ago.


" I think so to."

"Right..." Magnus said, motioning for him to sit down.

Alec complied and took a seat in one of the chairs in front of the desk. "Sooo..."


The tension in the room was practically palpable as the two looked at each other. "I missed you." Alec said finally.

"I think we covered that already." Magnus replied, amused.

"Oh right...well...I did."

"Look, Alec. I really missed you, and I know it seems crazy, considering we've only known each other a month or so, but these last few weeks have been hell. I thought with time I would just move on, but nothings been getting better. I don't care what we are, friends, more than that, I don't even care if I'm your freaking buttler, so long as your in my life."

Alec bit his lip and looked away, thinking about what Izzy said. He had missed Magnus too, but then again, he didn't think he would be able to handle another media scare. "Yes."

"What?" Magnus looked slightly taken aback.

"Yes, I want you in my life too. But...but....just as friends....I can't....I...."

"Alec its okay." Magnus laughed, looking relieved. "You don't have to explain yourself, I get it."

Alec exhaled; he hadn't realized he'd been holding his breath. "Okay, thank you."

Just then he glanced at the wall behind Magnus and spotted the clock. "Crap! I gotta run, um...I'll call you? or you'll call me....or..."

"Just go, I'll call you." Magnus said, smiling.

Alec smiled back, then rushed out the door, practically skipping. As he walked down the hallway back to the main office, he began thinking about what Izzy said. Maybe he had over reacted a bit, it wasn't like the picture had his face in it or anything. Suddenly he felt his armed being grabbed and his body was swung around and slammed against the wall. "What the?"

When he looked up, an extremely angry looking woman was pressing against him, twisting his arm behind him. "Who the hell are you." She hissed, spit flying from her mouth.

Alec winced and tried to pull away. "What? I'm just a delivery person, I-I work at the museum."
"Magnus Bane doesn't let hardly anyone in his office. Expecially grungy delivery boys. Now who are you." With her last few words she twisted his arm farther, causing him to yelp.

"I'm nobody!"
Her eyes narrowed suspiciously. "I've seen you somewhere before."

" you haven't." Alec's face began to pale.

When Alec met Magnus (A Malec fanfic. Duh)Where stories live. Discover now