Chapter Three: Stalking and Dinner Invitations

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What?? She updated and didn’t wait a century!! Unheard of! xD Hope you enjoy chapter three!! (Also if anyone wants a good malec cosplay blog on tumblr check out magnificentandpretty they’re AMAZING!)




    “Thats the third person you’ve turned down in an hour! What’s going on with you?” Camille flopped down in the sticky club chair, her drink sloshing a bit.

       “Just tired….” Magnus muttered, taking a sip of his drink, still thinking about earlier today.

       Camille crossed her arms and gave him the I know you’re lying look. He rolled his eyes , knowing she wouldn’t leave unless she got a satisfactory answer. “The first one was too fit, and would spend hours talking about himself and his work outs, the second one had awful makeup and the third was wearing Giles clothing. I hate Giles.”
    She gave him a suspicious look, but let the subject drop. A few minutes later a tall man wearing a fishnet shirt asked to buy her a drink and she went off giggling. Magnus sighed and went back to staring idly at a coaster on the bar counter. The club was loud and full of flashing lights, which usually was just the fashion designer’s scene, but tonight all he wanted to do was go back to his penthouse in Brooklyn and curl up with his cat.

     Digging in his pocket he pulled out his phone and began scrolling through his notifications, when suddenly he got an idea. He logged on to google and typed in the name Alexander Lightwood.  The first two pages that popped up were lists of graduating classes, from which he learned that the man in the store was about 22 years old. The next where a list of facebook profiles for  Alexander Lightwood. He scrolled through a few until he came to one that said Alec Lightwood. From that he learned that Alexander, or Alec it seemed, was born in New York and had one sister and two brothers, one of which were adopted. He also loved cats and worked at the smithsonian museum, and, well until recently, The Knot. He sat at the bar for about another hour doing what he liked to called “Character Research.” No matter how many times Camille called it stalking.

     “Maggnuuss. I dun need a riide home…” Camille stumbled drunkenly through the crowd at around midnight.

      He raised an eyebrow at the group of men standing by the bar a little ways down, watching them. “Clearly.”

     After she left he gathered up his things and walked out of the club, texting his driver to come pick him up. “Finally.” He said gratefully when the limo pulled up in front of the club.

     “Have a nice night sir?” The dark haired driver asked, pulling away from the curb.

      “Hardly.” Magnus groaned, flopping down in the spacious back seat and pulling off his shoes.

      “Shame. Will you be requiring my services tomorrow perchance sir?” He asked.

       Magnus propped himself up in one elbow, thinking. Then he smiled. “Yes, I think I will Charlie. I have a sudden urge to visit the Natural History Museum.”


      The next morning Magnus woke up at 7am, called into work sick and then proceeded to tear apart his wardrobe trying to find the perfect outfit. At around 8:30 he finally decided on skin tight black shimmery pants with purple, green and orange stars, a white shimmery tank top and a cheetah print scarf. After his clothes were picked out he went to do his make-up which took another hour, and by the time he got to the History Museum, they had already been open for 45 minutes. The museum wasn’t very crowded, considering it was the week before schools start, but it was also a thursday morning. After about an hour and a half of wondering about, hoping to “run in” to Alexander Lightwood, he got tired of all the staring and whispering and decided to just go directly to the help desk.

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