Chapter four: Dinner and He's Mine.

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Look I didn't wait a month! Only half....I think....anyways sorry I've been packing and traveling but NOW IM HERE AT THE BEACH YAY!


     "Mr. Bane we're sorry, I hope we didn't wake you but-"

       "Oh noo. I always get up at 5am on a friday morning!" Magnus drawled sarcastically, shoving the key to his studio into the door roughly.

      "Yes sorry, but its an emergency you see... Miss Abernathy called this morning saying they'd moved the wedding date up to October! Thats next month!" Magnus's assistant...Leon...Leonard...something like that...said frantically.

      Magnus sighed. "Where's Miss Belcourt? And Lisa? Also can you please call someone about the lighting in room 3? Its messing up the photos. Also if anyone from the press shows up this morning you have my permission to shoot them with a staple gun." Magnus ordered, shoving open the door to his office. "Oh and coffee please. My usual. Thank you Lynus."

   Lynus thats it. He thought, turning away. "Right, so....The Abernathy wedding's been moved?"

     Three women sat staring back at him, all in different states of tiredness. "Yeah, that frizzy little bitch. Oh how I would like to punch her in that perfect little face of hers." Camille hissed, squeezing her coffee so hard foam spilled over the edge.

    "Right. Well, we can't. So Gwen would you please go try and get Jackie on the phone, Taylor go call up all the designers we can spare, and Camille go find Lynus! I can't think without coffee."

    The girls nodded and walked off to do what they had been assigned to do. Magnus collapsed in his chair and leaned his head back and running his hands through his hair. Today was supposed to be easy with only a few photoshoots and a small stack of designs to finish. (A/N: YEah I have no idea what a fashion designer does...) Instead he was stuck with figuring out how to design, make and buy materials for a wedding with almost 50 people in the party alone. At least he still had dinner with Alexander tonight. He smiled and looked down at his phone.




  Waking up to the sound of his neighbors screaming was not the way Alec preferred to start his morning. He groaned and rolled over, sheets tangled around his legs and checked the clock beside his bed. 6:23am, wonderful.  He thought. After deciding he wouldn't be able to go back to sleep, Alec got up pulled on some clothes and shuffled to the bathroom. He was halfway through his morning routine when his phone began vibrating. He frowned, wondering who was texting at 6:30 am. He looked down at the screen and saw it was from an unknown number, which was even stranger. Who did he know who had an unlisted number?

    ~Good Morning Darling!~

    Alec texted back a response quickly and went back to brushing his teeth.

     -Sorry, but I think you've got the wrong number.-

    The response came much quicker than expected.

    ~Oh? Is this Alexander Lightwood?~

    Now Alec was extremely confused. Who the hell had his number, he hadn't given it to-His face went white. Crap! He thought, now starting to panic. Crap Crap Crap Crap! That Bane guy!! "Oh no no no no!!" Alec groaned, hopping from foot to foot.


      ~Great! Then right number. Anyways love, I believe you agreed to have dinner with me tonight? This is Magnus btw.~

When Alec met Magnus (A Malec fanfic. Duh)Where stories live. Discover now