Chapter 61.65

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Chapter 61

    When the sun goes down, everything is quiet. The street lights on the expressway have long lost their power supply, the sky is so blue that it is almost black, and the sky and the earth seem to be too dark to distinguish everything. Only the service area still has weak lights.

    Hao Jian and Lian Runing woke up one after another within five minutes, raised their watches and saw that it was almost ten o'clock. However, there were still ten minutes before their changing of the guard, so Hao Jian was not in a hurry.

    Lian Runing felt that she was hot and sweated after sleeping, sticky and uncomfortable, but the conditions here did not allow it, she just wanted to get some water to wipe her body.

    Just when she was about to get up, Hao Jian held her down: "There are some things that are inconvenient to do later, so let's do it now."


    Just as Lian Runing realized it, Hao Jian held her lips, and again A lingering, lingering kiss.

    Thought it was just one kiss, but in fact it was three rounds of kisses. Hao Jian found out that the system calculates experience and points based on the number of times the lips are touched, so to Lian Runing, it was just a lingering kiss. In fact, Hao Jian Has gained 3 experience, 15 points.

    "Come up to a whole number." Hao Jian said. Including the kiss during the day, I already got 10 experience points and 50 points.

    Lian Runing was a little puzzled, and then remembered the kiss during the day, and was even more confused about Hao Jian's way of calculating integers.

    "You weren't like this before!" Lian Runing didn't resist such an intimate gesture, but she still shyly said angrily.

    "It used to be before, but now I have made a decision. Since I am with you, even if it is the end of the world, no matter how difficult it is, I will bear all the sorrows with you, and I will share all the joys with you."

    Lian Ru Ning thought it was the most beautiful love story she had ever heard.

    In such a harsh environment, how many people trample on other people's dignity and life at will in order to survive, and feelings have become unimportant to them. How lucky she was to meet Hao Jian.

    Today she couldn't hold back and just said that, in fact, it was because of Hao Jian's indulgence to her, right?

    The environment did not allow them to linger any longer, so Hao Jian first went to Peng Mao and Xin Ting, because the duty was a little boring, so the two sat together occasionally to chat. After chatting, they got closer.

    "Go and rest, just leave it to us." Hao Jian said looking at the two who couldn't help yawning.

    "Then let's go to bed for a while, remember to eat, if you feel cold, reheat it a little bit!" Xin Ting reminded.

    Hao Jian waited for Lian Runing to come back and went to eat some cold mixed stew. Of course, this food was not enough, so she took out two more roujiamo.

    It is actually not accurate to say that it is Roujiamo, because there is no meat in it, only vegetable fillings.

    Of course, this was also bought in the system mall. After all, it was only 15 points each, so you don't expect to get much meat at the price of the mall where meat is more expensive than gold.

    Lian Runing didn't wonder where she got the Roujiamo, after all, some of the materials that Shi Gongdu found today were used to make finger cakes, noodle cakes and other materials. There are a lot of instant food in the service area of ​​the expressway, and the ingredients are all instant cooked. As long as it has not spoiled, it only takes a few minutes to make a fresh one.

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