Chapter 121.125

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Chapter 121

    After Hao Zuo followed Wang Rou to Wang's house, he did meet his classmates Wang Li and Luo Xiaoting, but both of them were not in the right state. Wang Li, who was very lively before, looked in a trance at the moment, while the eyes of Luo Xiaoting, who was quiet before, became a little fiery. He thought the two had changed their minds!

    Hao Zuo has learned to be more vigilant after wandering outside for so many days, but he pretends not to notice, and quietly lives in the only vacant room according to Wang Rou's wishes.

    The four of them lived in Wang Rou's house. According to Wang Rou, both Wang Li and Luo Xiaoting's parents had accidents. It happened that she found them and took them to live in her home.

    Hao Zuo was puzzled in his heart, but on his face he told Wang Li and Luo Xiaoting sadly about his tragic experience.

    At night, he wanted to go quietly to Wang Li and Luo Xiaoting, but before Wang Li could speak, Luo Xiaoting quarreled, attracting Wang Rou. For this, Wang Rou scolded him angrily and punished him not to eat tomorrow.

    Hao Zuo was horrified, and found that Wang Rou was no longer the old teacher Wang. But he didn't know her true face yet, so he could only bear with it.

    Hao Zuo, who had been hungry all day, finally took advantage of Wang Rou and Luo Xiaoting not paying attention, and found many booklets and candles in Wang Rou's room, as if some kind of ceremony was being held.

    Before Wang Rou and Luo Xiaoting found out, he went back to his room, trying to calm down. At this time, Wang Li came to him quietly and asked him to be careful of Wang Rou and Luo Xiaoting.

    In the afternoon, Wang Rou came to him, first to criticize him severely, and then to persuade him with all kinds of earnest words. This method of slapping a candy may be effective for other children, but Hao Zuo was already wary of her in his heart, but he didn't show it on the face, but he was thinking about how to escape.     Regardless of his cooperation and acting skills, Wang Rou let down her vigilance, thinking that he was alone and did not dare to escape, so she preached to him—he was familiar with all the teachings. Listen carefully, this is not You Xiaoxiao and Is An Minghui even the doctrine of "no blame" mentioned by Hao Jian? !

    His mystery was finally solved. It turned out that Wang Rou was a member of "Wu Yu", and Wang Li and Luo Xiaoting were students brainwashed by her. But Wang Li didn't know what kind of stimulation she had received, and she was still able to stay awake at the moment, but Luo Xiaoting had already been brainwashed by Wang Rou and became Wang Rou's eyeliner.     Hao Zuo felt that it was impossible for Wang Rou to act alone, there must be other members of "No Blame" around here, and he couldn't wait for them to come, otherwise there would be no chance of escaping.     So he and Wang Li planned an escape plan, but because Wang Li was too scared, and had been vaguely swinging between good and evil, something went wrong, and they were all captured by Wang Rou and Luo Xiaoting.     After experiencing this, Hao Zuo understood why pyramid schemes are terrible, and he also understood that the most dangerous thing in this troubled world is not facing zombies, but people!     He fell into doubts about himself, could it be that he really couldn't do anything without leaving his parents, Hao Jian and the guards. Without someone to protect him, he really couldn't survive?     Hao Zuo didn't believe in evil and was not discouraged. He pretended to obey Wang Rou, learned the doctrine of "no blame", and then took the opportunity to ask: "Mr. Wang Rou, are there only four of us in 'no blame'?"     Maybe Wang Rou would be wary of others , but for a fourteen-year-old boy who is now helpless, as long as he cooperates obediently, he will be won over by himself one day.     She replied: "How is it possible, we have so many brothers and sisters."     "Where are they all?"     Wang Rou became more vigilant now, and said, "Don't worry about these, you will know soon."     Hao Unwilling to give up, Zuo asked again: "Is the 'Wugui God' really that powerful?     " To save those of us who are defenseless and helpless, as long as we join 'No Blame' and worship sincerely, we will be blessed by the gods..."     "..." Hao Zuo shook his head secretly, never expecting that their class teacher is so young and knowledgeable Molecules are so easily brainwashed.

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