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Firstly, I'd like to thank you all for reading this far! This story started out as a "what if" drabble and turned into this 24 chapter story. I'm pretty happy with the results, and I hope all of you enjoyed it too. I'm honestly proud of this story. It's come a long way and grown in ways I never thought it would.

So now I've got a little Q&A here that no one asked for (I just thought it would be fun).
And a playlist on Spotify and Apple Music (they're the same, just different platforms) Links in comments.

❓: How did this story begin?

I really loved JJBA and wanted to write a fic, but I didn't know how. It's honestly so difficult to squeeze something into a story like JJBA, so it was going to be a oneshot. his story was actually going to be a songfic based on the song Amaranthine by Amaranthe. I'd heard it before, but when it came on my playlist after my jojofication, my first thought was Dio.

So I wrote my little songfic while keeping the lyrics and 2 phrases in mind while I wrote:

1) "I told you that I would find you in the next life, didn't I?"

2) "You have had a hard life. There's nothing wrong with chasing your dreams for once, is there? Or would you rather not be with me?"

A story was born! I ended up really liking the little piece I wrote and decided that instead of posting it, I would expand it. A lot. And here we are now.

‼️ Fun fact: This story has no outline. I had so many ideas that the bullet points were all over the place, so I scrapped it and just wrote. I posted each chapter the moment after I felt it was finished, so there were definitely times when I'd wake up the next morning and think "I messed that one up." Some of the chapters (like the last two) were written alongside each other because I needed plot continuity. I don't really regret not having an outline, but man, I changed the story SO much.

‼ Fun fact: Andrew originally had a bigger part in the story before I reworked the plot. His last name was Hyde to hint at a two-faced personality. He was supposed to force Freya into accepting the more dark side of herself, but when I decided Freya wasn't going to be that evil, I was left with some random OC. He ended up being one of Dio's experiments instead so Freya had more reason to feel conflicted about his actions. Sorry, Andrew.

❓: How did the idea for Freya begin?

I figured that if Dio loved someone, he would love someone who had a twisted sense of morals and a detached view of life. It would also have to be someone extraordinary like him. I also wanted to write something that would span several parts of the series. So I thought immortality was a good solution. Both of those things led to the creation of an immortal main character who is disenchanted by life.

Freya and Dio aren't the type who can really let themselves love someone, but they are vulnerable with each other because one has what the other needs. Dio wanted immortality, Freya has it. Freya wants someone who understands her life and she finds it in Dio even before he becomes a vampire simply because he's that evil. They're both smart and calculating, but Freya tries to make everyone else's lives better while Dio is more selfish. They pull each other in opposite directions and balance in the middle.

‼️ Fun fact: Freya's more cruel side was never something that had changed, it was simply that she'd resigned herself to living normally out of ease. Dio was supposed to bring that out in her while they were living at the castle. It would have been cemented with killing Beatrice in the dungeons. However, I decided to have them both meet more in the middle instead.

❓: What is the name of Freya's Stand?

"U2" because it was a pun based on her power. Like, "I experienced this thing and now you will too." The name of her power was going to be their song "Every Breaking Wave" because every memory is one that hurts but makes her stronger like waves on the shore. There was just no place to put this in the story, but I am in fact very proud of this.

❓: Is Giorno now the child of Freya and Dio?

I want to say yes. After marrying, they moved to Italy and raised Giorno. He has a happy life and meets maybe Bucciarati's group? I'm not sure how that would work canonically. Just don't think about it too much.

❓: What's up with chapter 19: Full Moon?

Ah yes, that one. I had a bunch of different plots and I just couldn't pick one. To kill the MC or not to kill the MC, that was the question. Well, I decided it was time for her to go, but with a twist.

Every moment of the MC's life leads back to the Joestars and Dio. Freya's immortality deals a little with time, just like Dio's Stand. When she takes over a new body, she returns to a moment before that person died and creates a new timeline where that person lived instead.

Simply put, Freya wasn't meant to die at that time, so when she died, instead of taking over a new body, she just went back into her old one before she died. How many times did this happen before she accepted Dio's evil rather than hoping for him to change? Well, who knows 😇

‼ Fun fact: Stands are a manifestation of the soul, and Freya's soul remembers all her deaths. While Freya is trying to trick Dio's mind in chapter 22, her Stand recalls deaths that happened in alternate timelines on her way to reach Dio. These were actually alternate endings that couldn't exist because the Joestars are on a time crunch so she can't just stay dead.

❓: Why is Freya immortal?

That can be left up to your own imagination, but I like to think it had something to do with the stone mask. The pillar men talked about experimenting on people to see if they would become perfect beings and I want to say Freya was one of those unfortunate people. Her soul got pushed out by the mask and had to find a new body. It took over the body of someone who died a little too early and continued their life. Not a great explanation, but I feel like this is the sort of thing that doesn't need explaining to work.

That's all. Once again, thank you so much for reading! ❤ 
If you have a question (or if you don't) leave a comment and I'll do my best to respond.

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