12: Selfish

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A/N: Hello, lovely readers! Sorry this update is a little later than normal. The reason for that is because I just finished majorly editing this story to enter it in The Wattys. Yay! 

For those of you who had been long-time readers, there have been no major changes to plot. BUT, I've added a few scenes in the more recent chapters (from 9 onwards). I was hoping to add more to Dio's character and create a little more chemistry between him and Freya before this chapter. I encourage you to go back and read some of the new scenes.

I also want to give a special thank you to my friend CrierPsycho (psst, check out her Loki fanfic and give it some love) for helping me edit everything. She spent hours reading all the chapters I'd written and helped with grammar and ideas for the plot. I probably wouldn't be entering The Watty's if it wasn't for all her help.


I ARRIVED AT THE JOESTAR MANSION AND FOUND IT SHROUDED IN DARKNESS. The storm that had enveloped the evening sky only furthered the foreboding feeling of the mansion. It truly felt like I'd just walked into some evil lair. Jonathan lit a match from his place at the top of the staircase like he'd been waiting for me to walk in, but the expression on his face told me he wasn't expecting me.

"Freya . . . What are you doing here?" Jonathan made his way down the stairs with quickened steps.

"Jonathan," I smiled, relieved to see him and know that I wasn't in some surreal nightmare. "I heard you were back, so I decided to stop by. How did your research go?"

Jonathan blinked at me, seeming a little confused as he stood before me. "Research?"

"You know, the mask." I prompted. "You said there might have been a breakthrough in your research."

Jonathan's eyes widened. "Oh! About that . . ." He trailed off with a frown. "I lied."

"You lied?"

"Yes," Jonathan sighed. "I know it is dishonorable, but I lied. The real reason I left was because I discovered that my father's sickness with unnatural. I believed that someone had been poisoning him, but I needed to find the proof. I left to determine what the poison was and to find a cure for my father and your own. I deeply apologize for keeping the truth from you."

I chuckled. "If it makes you feel better, I already knew you were hiding something. you're not a very good liar." I said. "But I'm glad you told me. You found the cure, right?"

"Yes. I already had a servant deliver it to your residence." Jonathan said.

I nodded. I'd already given the contents to my father as the servant had instructed. That was how I found out Jonathan was back from London. "And what of the culprit?"

Jonathan was suddenly uncomfortable. "About that . . . We have plans to arrest him here." Jonathan frowned.

"Here? You're arresting him in your own house?"

Jonathan nodded. "It is the easiest way. But right now, I'm not sure if I should ask you to stay or leave," Jonathan said. "I think it best if you saw everything for yourself, but . . ."

"I'll stay." I said. "My father was also a victim. So I wish to see the culprit arrested as well."

Jonathan frowned. "It won't be easy to watch. The culprit is someone we know." It wasn't surprising. After all, poisonings were usually planned to eliminate direct contact with the victim. But Jonathan was reluctant to tell me any more than that. I let it be as he gave me a quick rundown of the plan.

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