19: Full Moon

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A/N: Firstly, I'm SO sorry this chapter took forever to post. I was planning to have it out in July (2020 not 2021. Yes, it's been that long) to keep up with the bimonthly updates, but then I just couldn't get the plot to go how I wanted it. Part of the reason for this was because I had so many things I wanted to happen but I didn't want them all to happen at once. It would be too chaotic. But then I ended up writing it like that anyways. Enjoy?


WHEN I OPENED MY EYES, EVERYTHING FELT LIKE A DREAM. I was weightless, floating in a sea of covers with Dio beside me. He was lying beside me in bed just as he'd been when we fell asleep. I smiled. It was nice to open my eyes and see he was beside me. It was rare for me to see Dio asleep. Normally, he woke up before me. But recently, I'd been seeing him like this more often. Perhaps it was because we'd added a new "nightly activity" before bed. I was always tired, but he didn't seem affected at all. Maybe because he'd been drinking my blood as we did it and felt more energized after. Perhaps that was why I felt so sore and tired today.

Dio lay on his side, facing me with one arm propping up the pillow that rested under his head. His expression was completely relaxed, peaceful. If he opened his eyes right now, I could imagine his gaze would be gentle rather than cold. I would prefer that expression over the usual sharp look in his eyes. Of course, even those sharp eyes were soft when they met mine.

I smiled to myself and hummed happily, leaning over to kiss Dio's forehead. Then I snuggled closer to him. Dio's body temperature was cool, but not enough to make me recoil. It certainly wasn't the temperature of a living human being, but I didn't mind. Even last night, it hadn't bothered me. To be honest, I enjoyed it. It was strange how a vampire could make me feel so alive.

I'd been intending to return to sleep, but a few seconds after I settled my head against his chest, a low rumbling made me stiffen in surprise. "You're not going back to sleep, are you?"

"Y-you were awake?!" I gasped, pulling away so I could see his face. Dio's eyelids flickered open and an amused grin stretched across his lips. That smirk was enough of an answer.

Of course he was awake, I groaned in embarrassment and pulled the covers over my head. "How long?"

"Oh, several hours." Great. "I thought you would make good on your words from a few days ago, but to be honest, I'm a little disappointed."


Dio unearthed me from the bedsheets. "Was that little threat about licking me in my sleep simply for the sake of argument?" He sighed dramatically. "I was expecting something fun to wake up to, but you kept me waiting for nothing, you little minx. A week, I've waited and you've done nothing."

I rolled my eyes. "Well sorry I wasn't thinking about licking you in your sleep." My voice was practically dripping sarcasm.

"It's no matter," Dio dismissed. "I can deal with the crushing disappointment."

"You weren't asleep anyways," I pointed out.

"I was looking forward to it so much that I couldn't sleep," Dio smirked at me.

"Oh stop," I sighed and rolled onto my back. "It's too early for this."

Dio followed my movement, shifting his position on the bed so he could rest his head on my shoulder. "You did sleep quite a while. I suppose you were tired from yesterday, with that human stamina and all."

"H-hey," I frowned. "It's not my fault you've got so much stamina."

"Not true. It was your blood that healed me," Dio said. "If it wasn't for you, I would still be recovering from my injuries. But instead, I've regained my strength. Don't you think I should show you my gratitude?"

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