18: Picking Flowers

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A/n:  Hello everyone, I've returned! For a while I was drowning in homework and studying for school, but now I'm free!

I'm here to warn you all that this chapter is SPICY 🔥🌶 There's some biting, mentions of blood, and somewhat descriptive sexual content but it's not a smut. I'm sure we've all seen dirtier things on this website, so I really hope this doesn't get my story taken down 😂 I tried to make this chapter as gender-neutral as possible for those of you who don't want to read female inserts

If you don't want to read this chapter, then just stop reading when things start getting spicy and skip to the next chapter. You won't be missing any super important plot details. 

(As of right now, I'm still working on the next chapter but it will be up soon. I just want to post this one first, since I haven't updated in so long.)



" . . . You can tell I'm awake?" I asked. My eyelids fluttered open. The sun had set hours ago. It was early for a vampire to be awake, but it was late for me, who was still accustomed to a normal human sleep schedule. I'd been trying to sleep as Dio lounged at the end of the bed reading.

"You forget what I am," Dio said. "I can hear your heartbeat. You're thinking about something and you can't sleep, right?"

"You can read that from just my heartbeat?" I asked, sitting up in bed to look at Dio.

"I could read you without knowing your heartbeat too," Dio shot me a smirk. Well, that was probably true. "Want to tell me what you're thinking about?" He asked as he slipped a bookmark between the pages of his book before setting it to the side.

Should I ask? Perhaps I should start with a more simple question and lead into the larger one. "How did you get these clothes for me?" I asked.

"That's your burning question?" He asked, rolling over onto his side to face me, propping his head up with his hand. "Isn't it obvious? The people who owned those things don't need them anymore. Does that bother you?"

It did bother me a little, but I cared less than I felt I should. It couldn't be helped that Dio needed blood to survive, but . . . "Do you have to kill them?" I asked.

Dio's grin widened. "No," he answered honestly. He was always honest with me. I appreciated it, but the fact that he didn't even hesitate to answer my question with a 'no' made me frown.

"Then why do you kill them?"

"It's easier that way. I get more blood and waste less energy," Dio shrugged, explaining his reasoning simply without remorse. "Why? Would you like me to leave the next one alive so you're not wearing a dead girl's dress?" He snickered.

I frowned. "I don't know, but that's not why I brought it up."

"Then what is it?"

I hesitated, wondering how to word my question. I decided to start from the beginning. "I met a woman on the street today," I told him. "She recognized my dress as something her sister made."

This caught Dio's attention. "Is that so?" He asked.

"Yes. And if I correctly understood that girl, her sister was also a prostitute." I said. "Did you two . . . do anything before you killed her?"

To be honest, I wasn't sure if I even wanted to know what had happened. The thought of Dio sleeping with other women bothered me. Not to the point it might bother a normal human, but I didn't like the idea. I wasn't used to this feeling and I didn't like it.

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