Chapter 15

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I jumped in fright and turned to see Jisoo leaning on a door that I'm sure as fuck wasn't there.

"What are you doing down here?" She asked as she walked
to me.



"Well I was looking for you and I saw a door that said 'Do Not Enter, Heads only' and I got curious and came upon these. I swear I didn't steal anything - gun sort nor nothing.

You can check me if you want. I swear to God Jisoo, I didn't." I rambled.

Jisoo laughed.

"It's fine, salang."

I exhaled, and nodded.

"So what does this button do?" I asked and pointed to the one she said I shouldn't touch.

"Well." She trailed off, "As you know," She paused, "We're in Korea, where my mafia is"

I nodded.

"And this is where 3/4 (three-quarter) of the mafia stays - which is a large amount of people."

I nodded again when she paused and looked at me.

"So that button is a button which you press-"

"C'mon. Just tell me."

She proceeded to tell me how that button activate... guns everywhere around the house, alerting everyone who live here when there's an attack.


"Babe?" I muttered and Jisoo smiled softly.


"When can I meet your parents?"


"When do you call soon?"


I nod, not wanting to question it any further.


2 weeks later

"Ok so this is what you call an AK47." She pointed to the gun.

Jisoo was teaching some new recruits the name of guns, types of blades, how to reload a gun, how to aim and how to have a steady aim.

All this in 8 hours.

She told me that I was allowed to watch her, but stay out the range of a gun.

During the past two weeks, Jisoo and I have gotten closer and she have introduced me to the mafia last week.

They were happy that their boss found their Sugnyeo.

I got mean glares from girls.

I mean..

Jisoo is everything and who wouldn't want her?
She is the key to my heart.

"-m16 A2. Do not get them mixed up. Even though it doesn't matter, but you get my point."

The recruits nodded.

"Take 5. Targets next."

She looked at me and I stuck my tongue out at her and I saw her shook her head with a smile.

She rested the gun down and walked over to me.
Her arms immediately went around my waist. She dipped her neck and pecked my lips and I pouted.

"Just a peck?"

"Yup." She hummed and nuzzled her nose in my neck.

"Jisoo." I moaned lowly when she licked my neck.

"NO SEX ON THE FIELD!" Namjoon yelled at Jisoo and I and I laughed.

Kim Namjoon is Jisoo's second in command. He's about 6ft. He has brown and black hair, and brown eyes.
He's a softie under all that tough exterior.

Jisoo mumbled something and pecked the corner of my lips and I pulled her neck down and crashed our lips together. I felt her smirk against my lips and I resisted the urge to roll my eyes. Our lips moved slowly against one another as my index and middle finger twirled the hair on the nape of her neck.

Jisoo licked the bottom of my lip and I denied access and pulled back.

I smirked at her.

"That's for denying my kiss."

She rolled her eyes, and checked her watch.

"Gotta go, babe."

I nodded, and she jogged over to where the recruits where, and walked them over to the targets where some guns

I smiled.

Everything was perfect.

What could go wrong?

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