Chapter 30

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Still Jisoo's POV

After telling the guys the plan, I phoned Xavier and told him what I had planned

"Brilliant." he replied.

"I know." I smirked.

He chuckled.

"I'll meet you there with some of my guys that were sent over."

"Mhmm." I hummed.

"And Jisoo?" Xavier said as I was about to hang up.


"I'm happy for you."

I was confused as to what he meant but just shrugged and he hanged up

Now let's go blow some brains out.

Jennie's POV

I was shaken awake by someone.

Time for another 'lesson' I guess.

I mentally sighed and opened my eyes. I saw a blurred figure of two girls above me and they were calling my

I rubbed my eyes.

"C'mon, we have to go, like now!" One of the girls whisper-yelled to me, while the other freed my wrist.

"Mm, what's happening?"

"We got the keys." One of the girls dangled the keys.

"Water?" I asked once my wrists were free. I rubbed them and looked at them, to see red marks

"Here." The girl said, and handed it to me.

I gulped it down eagerly.

"Thanks." I said and let out a breath I didn't know I was holding in.

"Let's go." I said and then stopped for a moment, "Where are the others?"

"Out there."

I nodded and we tiptoed out my cell and looked for any signs of danger.

"The guards are sleeping now."

"In day shift?"

The girls chuckled.


"Oh." I said in understanding.


"I'm Lia." The girl that freed me said and the other girl said,



We looked around the corners and then we saw the girls and a bunch of men surrounding them, fainted or either dead.

"Good job." Lia said to them and they nodded.

"I think if we go this way, we'll see more guards because that's where more noise are." I heard Malia said and we nodded.

"But if we go that way," she pointed to the other direction,

"we won't get caught, hopefully." she finished.

"But if we do, fight our way out of it."

All of us nodded and started walking down the dark corridor.


It has been about 15 minutes wondering through this corridor. We found a torch the further we walked. Torches lit the tunnel (yes, we wandered this far) as we walked pass some drawings of some kind.

"This must be some old stuff." I heard Lia said behind me.

"Yeah, because look, there is Kang Dae's name here, and another name beside his, and underneath them both, is his son's name, who's is Dominic." I heard a girl said.

"Then going right down, there's...Alaric?" The same girl continued.

"That must be the name of the guy that's behind this." I butted in.

"And look again, there's his lover's name, Juliana.'

I gasped.

"And there's another name, with the female own beside it."

"That means..Juliana is pregnant." I heard Lia said, and the other girl and I nod.


"Wow indeed."

"Guys!" I someone whisper-yelled in-front of us.


It was a huge old door there, but it looked new, if that made sense.

"There's a passcode also

"What could it be?"

"Oh God, we're going to die!"

"Jesus help."

"I want Raphael's dick, so we're getting out of here."

"My heir needs to be out of this safe."


Suddenly a thought came up

"Malia?" I called out to her, as I walked up to her.


"What if the passcode is 1921?"

Malia raised a brow.

"This whole placed was made 100 years ago. 1921, so if  Kang Dae was going to make a passcode, and history, he's going to put 1921 - the year - as the passcode.

"Smart." Malia muttered and I smiled a bit.


She nodded and typed in the passcode. I just realized that the room was silent.

When it stopped and no beep nor nothing went in, it suddenly asked for name.

We all looked at each other.

"Kang Dae." We all said in unison, and typed in the name on the small keyboard that came from the moniter. It beeped and the door opened and we cheered silently.

We all stepped through the door, and closed it.

I exhaled and turned to look at whatever room we came in. Y
It was a room filled with ancient weapons and scrolls.

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