Chapter 6

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    The next morning Jisoo and Lisa woke up in the living room of Jisoo's apartment. Jisoo had woken up first, she felt something on top of her belly when she noticed it was Lisa's head she slightly pushed it off. "Ouch" Lisa said gently opening her eyes. "Where I'm I?" Lisa asked "I think we're in my apartment" Jisoo says. Dalgom comes running to the living room and lays on the sofa looking at the two hanged over girls laying on the floor. "Yes, definitely your apartment" Lisa says. "How much did we drink yesterday?" Jisoo asks "well, from the state we're in A LOT" Lisa says as she tries to get up. "The question is, how did we get here?" Lisa adds. "Good question... I don't know" Jisoo says. "I think I'm gonna go shower, we smell like pure alcohol" Lisa says. "Also I do remember you kissed your boss yesterday, ALL night" Lisa reminds Jisoo. Jisoo's eyes widened remembering what she had done and who Chaeyoung was. Lisa went to the bathroom laughing at Jisoo's reaction.

Jisoo checks her phone and see's 11 messages from Chaeyoung.

Chaeyoung: why's everything cap
Chaeyoung: wait is lowercase now wtf
Chaeyoung: you're so pretty ☺️
Chaeyoung: what are we now?
Chaeyoung: I think we should get to know each other more before we go on
Chaeyoung: Jennie keeps crying... saying she misses Lisa. Smacked her in the head already but now she's crying more... 🙂
Chaeyoung: she says you're pretty smacked her in the head again. Only I call my shawty bae pretty 😍
Chaeyoung: imma go to sleep since YOU are ignoring me
Chaeyoung: I'm I pretty?

End of messages

"She's so cuteeee" Jisoo says smiling and holding her phone to her chest. "You're whipped" Lisa says. "Ya! You too!" Jisoo shouts "ya! Stop screaming, my head hurts" Lisa says. "Fine, imma go shower" Jisoo says.

When she walked into her room she thought on how to answer Chaeyoung's text, some questions where best to answer in person.


Jisoo: Hiii Beautiful, I just woke up :)
Jisoo: I'm sorry I didn't text when I got home. Lisa and I knocked out on the floor of my living room when we got home
Jisoo: did you and Jennie get home safe?
Jisoo: how did you wake up today?

End of messages

Once Jisoo was done showering she looked at herself in the mirror and noticed marks on her neck. "Oh no" she says noticing they won't take off soon from the look of them, then she smirks remembering last night. She had also left some on Chaeyoung. Her phone dings and she runs to it.

Chaeyoung: Good morning Jisoo, sorry for last nights I was drunk texting. Jennie and I got home safe. I woke up with a small head ache and SOME BRUISES ON MY NECK   that I'm sure are from you. Are you a vampire?

Jisoo: For you I'll be anything you want babe

Chaeyoung: JISOO

Jisoo: 😂

Jisoo: I have some from you too. REALLY DARK ONES.

Chaeyoung: oops ;)

Jisoo: wanna go get breakfast with Jennie and Lisa?

Chaeyoung: Yes yes yes pls ☺️

Jisoo: okies meet us at the breakfast place by my house

Chaeyoung: Okies see you☺️

End of messages

"LISA! We're getting breakfast with Jennie and Chaeyoung" Lisa comes running to the room "really?" She says happily "yes, hurry". Lisa took some clothing from Jisoo and wore it. Once they where done they got an Uber to the breakfast place and waited for Chaeyoung and Jennie. Jisoo didn't know how she would react when seeing Chaeyoung after last night; just thinking about her had her like a blushing mess.

"Hey guys" Jennie greets them. "Heyy" Lisa and Jisoo say in unison. "Where's Chaeyoung?" Jisoo asks "she's in the car fixing her sweater trying to hide the hickeys, you should go and tell her to hurry" Jennie says. "We will go get a table" Lisa tells Jisoo.

Jisoo saw Chaeyoung from afar looking at her neck in the car mirror and giggled. She knocked on the car window and Chaeyoung quickly looked at her and smile. She opens the door and greets Jisoo. "It looks fine, don't hide my work of art" Jisoo says giving her a kiss in the cheek. "Fine, let me see yours" Chaeyoung tells Jisoo, Jisoo moves her hair back and shows Chaeyoung. She smiles and kisses Jisoo on the cheek. "So pretty" Jisoo smiled and just looked at her with a soft gaze.

They entered the breakfast place and join Lisa and Jennie that where kissing. Lisa and Jennie stopped kissing once they sat down. "I think your headache is cure" Jisoo jokes "haha funny, we didn't tell you anything when you had you tongue down Chaeyoung's throat" Lisa snaps "ya! I was just joking" Jisoo says. Chaeyoung and Jennie laugh at the girls interaction, they where like sisters. "It's okay, no need to scream. We're all adults and have all kissed and made out with someone" Chaeyoung says. They all nodded.

They all ordered breakfast, Chaeyoung had ordered strawberry pancake and Jisoo ordered chocolate pancakes. "Try" Chaeyoung says giving a bit of her pancake to Jisoo. "Mmm I like it, try mines" Jisoo and Chaeyoung had gotten use to giving each other a try of each others foods. Jennie and Lisa smiled at the interaction. "Whipped" Lisa whispers in Jennie's ear, Jennie giggled and gave Lisa a piece of her French toast.

"I'm so full" Lisa complains holding her belly. "Hey, we can drive you guys to the club and pick up Lisa's car" Jennie says "that'll be great" Jisoo says. Chaeyoung looked at Jisoo signaling to sit in the back with her. Jisoo sat next to Chaeyoung and Chaeyoung laid her head on Jisoo's shoulder. Jisoo held Chaeyoung's hand and softly caress it. "Want to stay over at my house for a while?" Jisoo asks Chaeyoung. "Yes" Chaeyoung looked at Jisoo and smiled.

Jennie dropped off Chaeyoung and Jisoo at Chaeyoung's house and from there they drove to Jisoo's.

When they arrived to Jisoo's house, Chaeyoung didn't know what to do since it wasn't her house and she didn't want to push anything on Jisoo. "You want anything to drink?" Jisoo asks Chaeyoung. "Water will be okay" Chaeyoung says remembering she can't have alcohol. "Okay, you can sit wherever you want to" Jisoo tells Chaeyoung. When she gives Chaeyoung the water, Jisoo smiles at how pretty Chaeyoung looks. "What?" Chaeyoung asked giggling "you're so pretty" Jisoo says. "Thank you, you are beautiful" Chaeyoung says. They look at each other for a minute and Jisoo slowly leans closer, Chaeyoung closes the space between them and kisses her softly. Chaeyoung notices that Jisoo was tiptoeing a little and smiles into the kiss trying not to laugh. Chaeyoung gets up as she's still kissing Jisoo and carries Jisoo, sitting her on the tall chair. They slightly pull away to catch their breath and put their foreheads together. "I like you, Chaeyoung" Jisoo says. "I like you too, Jisoo" Chaeyoung responds, her cheeks where very pink but so where Jisoo's. "What do you want to do?" Jisoo asks "umm... I'm not sure. Do you want to get to know each other better? And then take this somewhere?" Chaeyoung asks "Yes, I would really like that" Jisoo smiles and pecks Chaeyoung lips. "We can still do this right?" Jisoo asks "yes, never stop doing that" Chaeyoung says.

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I love Chaesoo so much 🥹 they're like my little babies.
I also have like this tiny love for Lisoo 😏 the Wattpad stories about them are really good but the OG will always be Chaesoo and Jenlisa.

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