Chapter 1

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"Hey!" A drunk Jisoo shouts at a tall blonde girl "Hi! What's up?" The blonde that looked twice as drunk replied. "You're really cute, what's your name?" Jisoo compliments the blonde "thank you, you're beautiful. Im Park Chaeyoung, what's yours?" Chaeyoung asks "Well before meeting you Kim Jisoo, but now I think is Park Jisoooo" she joked. Chaeyoung cheeks where redder than the lights of the club. "Can we keep the Kim better, I think Kim Chaeyoung sounds better" Chaeyoung says. "You wanna get married?" Jisoo gasps "with you? Hell yeah!" Chaeyoung says. "YOU mayyy kiss the bride" some random Lisa says. Jisoo pulls Chaeyoung closer to her and they have a sloppy kiss. "I think we're married now" Chaeyoung says "I think so too! Woooohooo. I bagged a blondie!" Jisoo shouts in excitement.

~Two days later~

"Jisoo if you don't hurry up, you're going to be late and get fired on the first day" Lisa says on the phone.

"I'm going, give me a second" Jisoo argues as she tries to lock the door. "A second has passed, Jisoo"
"Well, do you want me to jump off the building?" Jisoo quickly went in the elevator and ran to Lisa's car.

"About damn time, remember you have modeling classes after" Lisa reminds Jisoo. "I know, can't you see the big purse I'm carrying? It Would be weird if I brought this to work".
"Someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed" Lisa says.
"And you're on the wrong side of the road, Lisa!"
"Oh shitt" Lisa quickly changed lanes. "How did you get your license again?" Jisoo asks
"Yaa! no need to bully my driving skills, at least I didn't crash against a stop sign"
"My poor car" Jisoo fake sniffles.
"Anyways... are we going clubbing on Saturday again?" Lisa asks
"Yesss definitely, I like it there" Jisoo says giving Lisa a thumbs up.
"Ah I love you, you're the best" Lisa says patting Jisoo in the head.
"I love you too, thai goddess. Even though you're annoying sometimes but so am I. So it's even" Jisoo jokingly explains. "It's true, if annoying could be compared to a person it would be you" Lisa says, they both laugh.

"Well there it is, the precious building you will be working at as a reporter" Lisa tells Jisoo. "Not going to lie, I'm a little nervous but it will be just fine. Thank you for finding me this job, love you" Jisoo quickly gets out of the car and waves at Lisa; Lisa waves goodbye back.

When Jisoo walked in she was flabbergasted by all the decorations and pretty signs. She quickly walked to the elevator trying to keep it classy and cool like everyone else. She had to go to the managers office first to get her tag. "Good morning, I'm the new employe where can I find the managers office?" she asks. "I'll walk you there hold on" the lady in the front desk of the floor made a call and then walk Jisoo there.

"So... you are our new employe?" the manager ask but before Jisoo could speak he spoke again. "I thought you where a model at first, you're beautiful. You seem to have all the requirements" he adds, Jisoo softly giggles "one day, sir" Jisoo says "for sure, you seem to be born to be a model" he smiles and walks to his desk. "Here it says you where going to be a reporter for our company, BUT. Someone's secretary quit and this persons really busy and really needs a secretary, so can you be her secretary? She controls our adds and she's very nice, sometimes" he explains. "Okay, that's okay" Jisoo says. "Perfect, here's your ID. I used the picture on your resume, it looks really professional".

Jisoo called Lisa while she was walking to the ad executives office. "Hey looser" Lisa says "I just got changed positions, I'm now a secretary" Lisa chokes of laughter "A SECRETARY? You can barely remember what you have to do in a day, you're going to remember another persons schedule, with a busier life" Lisa laughs "Yes, well I gotta go, I'm here already" Jisoo quickly hanged up and put her phone away.

"Hi" Chaeyoung says in a soft voice "H-hi, I'm your new secretary" Jisoo informs her, Jisoo though Chaeyoung was beautiful. "What's your name?" Chaeyoung asks. "Kim Jisoo" Chaeyoung looked at Jisoo with a weird face expression "have you worked here before?" Chaeyoung asks "No" Chaeyoung was confused the girls name was familiar but she didn't recognize her face. "Okay, I'm Park Chaeyoung. Here's a list of what I expect weekly and daily" Chaeyoung hands her a file, Jisoo walks closer to the desk to get it. "You will be sitting in that small office there" Chaeyoung points at a small office that's in her office "okay".

As Jisoo settled in her office Chaeyoung walked into Jisoos office. "Please print two copy's of these papers for me" she informs Jisoo. "Okay, I will". Jisoo quickly grabbed the papers that where left in the office and went out to print them. "Hi, you must be Chaeyoungs new secretary" a tall guy with brown hair says "yes that's me" "I'm  Jung Hoseok, and you are?" "I'm Kim Jisoo, nice to meet you" Jung Hoseoks phone ring and he had to go. Jisoo grabbed the copies and went to Chaeyoungs office here are two copies of each "Mhm" Chaeyoung said. Jisoo was expecting a 'thank you' or something, she went to her office and read over the file Chaeyoung gave her.

'More than 6 ads must be reviewed a day... that's a lot. No sleeping in the office... what if it's my lunch time?. Must meet with at least three models a week... okay. No office relationship... who would date their boss, this isn't a Kdrama. Three warnings and you're out. Must be early to work... oof I'm definitely getting fired quick. Proper clothing attire... okay I'm dressed pretty fancy today. Personal life should stay personal and out of office... good. Don't make decisions for me, ask me first... okayyy Ms. Park' Jisoo said in her brain.

Jisoo organized Chaeyoung schedule and made it look even fancier. "Hey, it's lunchtime but I have a meeting. You're my secretary so you should come with me" Chaeyoung tells Jisoo. "Okay" Jisoo grabbed her purse and followed Chaeyoung. "We're meeting with a model, right?" Jisoo asks Chaeyoung. "Yes, it will be a while though" Jisoo nods and continues going over the schedule.

When they got there it was a mansion. Jisoo looked around and everything was so pretty. "Good afternoon Nam Joo-hyuk, I'm Park Chaeyoung and this is my secretary Kim Jisoo. We work with Dior, we are here to discuss some information about the ad" Chaeyoung informs Joo-hyuk "okay, come in" he says letting both of them in. "Would you guys like anything to drink?" he ask "water" they said in unison. "Do you have the file of what we're discussing with him up?" Chaeyoung asks Jisoo. "Wait girl, I just sat down" Jisoo accidentally says "uh... sorry I have it right here" Chaeyoung just looked at Jisoo and slightly nodded. "Wait... are you Ms.Kim?" Nam Joo-hyuk asks. "Yes... do we know each other?" Jisoo knew him from Kdramas and brands he's model for but never has she told this famous person her name. "Don't you take modeling classes for yg?" he asks. "Yes, how do you know?" She asks "I went to say hello the other day and you're technically his top model" Jisoo smiles and nods. "Well... let's get down to what we came here for please" Chaeyoung said, both Jisoo and Joo-hyuk look at Chaeyoung.

After hours of talking about the ads and the brand they where finally finished. It was already 3 and there was a 1 hour and 30 minute car ride back. On their way back Jisoo's phone kept ringing, she mute it and Chaeyoung noticed "you're allowed to pick up calls, maybe it's an emergency" Jisoo nodded and picked up the phone. "ABOUT.DAMN. TIME. What if someone kidnapped me?!?" Lisa said "They would have returned you in an instant" Jisoo said. "Ugh whatever, I have a get together with this girl I met at a club so I won't be able to pick you up from classes at 7. I'm picking you up at 5pm from work, right?" Lisa asks "Okay and Yes, are you at work now?" Jisoo asks. "On my break, some people really suck at dancing. And some don't even know their left from their right, it's okay though I'll make them great dancers like I did with you"
"Careful, you'll have to pay for the therapy of all of them" Jisoo jokes.
"Pft, as if they don't already need it. How's work?"
"It's fine" Jisoo says "are you being held hostage? Why aren't you compla-"
"Lisa, I'll call you later I'm in the car right now"
"Ooooh, okay okay"
~End of call~

"Is She your sister?" Chaeyoung ask "Like a sister, she's my best friend" Jisoo informs her "ah okay, You guys seem pretty close" Chaeyoung said. "Mhm". Chaeyoungs phone starts ringing. "Hello my amazing, beautiful best friend" Jennie says "what did you do Jennie?" Chaeyoung asks. "I have something tonight so I can't make it to our movie night" Jennie said. "Okay, have fun" Chaeyoung hanged up and groan. "Are you okay?" Jisoo asked "Yeah, my best friend just changed plans last minutes and I like to have a schedule" Chaeyoung explains "ooh okay, sorry your plans changed last minute" Jisoo said "it's okay, I'll just change it to another day" .

AN: kinda boring but this is just the intro... also this is the first time I write about Chaeyoung & Jisoo so I hope you guys enjoy:)

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