Chapter 8

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Tuesday night Jisoo felt exhausted from modeling classes and work, it had been a long day. She went to her mail and got a strange looking card from someone, the label seemed familiar. She opened it as she got in the elevator. She read the name carefully and noticed it was from her aunt, which she hasn't spoken to in years.

Hello Jisoo,
Im sorry to inform you that your mother has passed away. Her funeral will be held this Friday where your grand father is; if you care enough to come.

- Aunt Kim

Jisoo re-read the note to make sure what she was reading was correct. She folded the paper and put it in her bag. Her day was already tiring and now receiving horrible news about her mother, she felt like a bomb about to explode. She rushed to her apartment and opened the door, she was so anxious that she didn't noticed a pair of shoes in the entrance. "Jisoo" Lisa shouted hugging Jisoo. "Ahh shît! Lisa you scared me" Jisoo gently hugged Lisa back. "Are you okay? You seem tired" Lisa says. "Yeah, a little" "Hey, can we have a movie night here in your apartment with Jennie and Chaeyoung, now?" Lisa asked "yeah, sure" Jisoo said not even paying attention to what Lisa said.

Jisoo went to her room and closed the door, she turned on the shower head and stood under it silently for a good 20 minutes, she felt completely drain. A familiar feeling she didn't like was slowly creeping back into her brain and body. The water was already getting cold from how long she was taking. She finished showering and turned it off. She put on sweatpants and a hoodie. Jisoo heard three different voices from outside her room door and was confused, then she remembered she had agreed to what Lisa said.

"Finally the beauty is out of the shower. You had some fun in there?" Lisa says sarcastically. "Sorry" Jisoo apologize, Lisa looked at her weird. Jisoo never really apologized when Lisa made jokes or teased her like that, Jisoo would tease her back and they would laugh about it. "Are you okay, Jisoo?" Jennie asked. "Yeah, what movie are we watching?" Jisoo tried changing the conversation. "Ugh... I'm not sure. Do you guys want to watch 'Train to Busan' ?" Jennie asked "yes" they said in unison.

Jisoo was making popcorn with Chaeyoung while Jennie and Lisa played the movie. As Jisoo is silently waiting for the popcorns to get made Chaeyoung walks up to Jisoo. "What's wrong?" Chaeyoung says in a low voice so only Jisoo hears her. "Nothing, don't worry" Jisoo says avoiding eye contact with Chaeyoung. "I will worry, you mean a lot to me Jisoo. What's wrong?" Chaeyoung asked again. Jisoo's eyes got watery and slowly she exploded silently. Chaeyoung saw the silent tears coming out of Jisoo's eyes and softly placed her hand on her back, eventually she pulled her in for a soft hug. "My mother died" Jisoo whispers "oh Jisoo" was all Chaeyoung could say, she knew Jisoo wasn't close to her family but she still had the right to care. Lisa and Jennie walked into the kitchen and noticed the two sitting in the floor hugging.

Lisa knew Jisoo valued silence when she was sad so she sat on the other side of Jisoo and held her silently. Jennie sat next to Lisa and softly held Jisoo's hand.

After a couple minutes Jisoo told Lisa and Jennie. "So are you gonna go? I can go with you if you want" Lisa asked. "Yeah, I think so. I'm not speaking to my father tho" Jisoo says. Chaeyoung gets a cup of water for Jisoo as she speaks. "Do you still want to see the movie or do you want to sleep or sit in silence?" Lisa asked "let's watch the movie" Jisoo smiled.

Lisa and Jennie where cuddling in one side of the sofa as they watched the movie. Jisoo had gone to the bathroom and when she came back she saw Chaeyoung silently watching the movie while hugging a pillow; she was so beautiful and adorable, Jisoo thought. She was also kinda jealous of the pillow.

"Let's cuddle" Jisoo said as she sat next to Chaeyoung. "Okay" Chaeyoung said smiling. Jisoo's tiny body laid on top of Chaeyoung, Chaeyoung gently held her not wanting to let go of her soft embrace. Jisoo gently kissed her lips when she noticed Chaeyoung looking at her. "I like you so much, Chaeyoung" Jisoo whispers. "I like you so much too, Jisoo" Jisoo giggled and kiss Chaeyoung again. Chaeyoung covered Jisoo's face with the blanket then uncovered it and covered it again but this time she covered hers too and filled Jisoo's face with kisses. Jisoo giggled at all the kisses. She quickly kissed Chaeyoung back in the lips.

The next morning Chaeyoung felt something on her. When she opened her eyes she noticed a sleeping Jisoo on her. She smiled at how adorable Jisoo looked sleeping. Her lips looked so relaxed, and her body was so warm. She was so focused on Jisoo she didn't notice Lisa holding a camera and Jennie standing next to her in awe. She also had forgotten she worked today. "Lisa, you're gonna wake up Jisoo" Chaeyoung whispers. "Baby, don't move" Jisoo mumbles. Chaeyoung looks at Jisoo surprised by what Jisoo had called her. "Awee you guys are so cute" Jennie whispers in excitement. Chaeyoung kisses her forehead and hugs her a little tighter. "Jisoo baby, I have work today, remember?" Chaeyoung tells Jisoo. "Mhm, I'm awake" Jisoo says gently opening her eyes. She smiles at Chaeyoung then looks at Jennie and Lisa next to them and gives them a death stare when she sees the camera. "You're lucky Chaeyoung is holding me" Jisoo mumbles but Lisa heard her and giggled. Chaeyoung smiled and kissed the top of Jisoo's head. "Come on let's get up, we can go back to this tonight" Chaeyoung said, Jisoo smiled and got up.

"Today is a calm day, you don't really have to do much. Just file these 5 papers where they go and that's it" Chaeyoung tells Jisoo as they walk in handing her the 5 papers. "That's it?" Jisoo asks "yeah, there isn't much to do. You're catch up with everything" Chaeyoung tells her. "What do you have to do today?" Jisoo asks "uh... well, I have to make some calls. Check some ads, and that's all" Chaeyoung explains, she didn't want to give Jisoo much to worry about. "Oh okay, I'll see you later then" Jisoo smiles and Chaeyoung looks around before pulling Jisoo close to her and hug her. "I'll see you later, cutie" Chaeyoung says.

Jisoo was bored out of her mind. She was done with everything for the day. She opened her office blinds and looked at Chaeyoung working. Chaeyoung was on the phone with someone, she looked annoyed and Jisoo giggled at her facial expressions changing every minute. Chaeyoung then hanged up and looked at Jisoo; Jisoo quickly looked away. She noticed Chaeyoung getting up from her desk and walking to Jisoo's office. "Like the view?" Chaeyoung asked "What? What view? I don't know what you're talking about" Jisoo jokes "No more kisses for you, then" Chaeyoung says, Jisoo's eyes widened at Chaeyoung's words. "Hey! That's not fair. I was joking. The view was mesmerizing, super cute, and funny. You looked so annoyed during that phone call, but the way your fingers moved was so wow and when your face was relaxed, so gentle" Jisoo said, Chaeyoung smiled trying not laugh at Jisoo's words about her fingers. "I think my mind has been changed" Chaeyoung said getting closer to Jisoo. "Really?" Jisoo smiled. "Mhm" Chaeyoung leaned in, Jisoo's body was against the wall. "You're so cute" Chaeyoung whispers in Jisoo's ear, slowly moving her lips to her cheek and placing a kiss. Chaeyoung was nervous that she might have done too much, she really liked the gorgeous girl in front of her. Jisoo was so turned on she didn't even notice she was gripping her skirt. "You seemed bored sitting there and watching me" Chaeyoung said kissing Jisoo's neck. "I was bored, but not when I was looking at you" Jisoo said. "Are you bored now?" Chaeyoung asks before kissing Jisoo's neck again. "Nope, not at all. I actually I'm very entertained" Jisoo wrapped her arms around Chaeyoung's waist pulling her body closer. Chaeyoung was now very amazed and turned on, she's never done anything sexual with a women so she got nervous, Questions started circling her head 'what if she doesn't like what I do?' 'What if I'm not good enough?' 'What if she regrets it?' 'What if someone walks in and I get fired?'. Chaeyoung felt like a book of questions. Jisoo noticed Chaeyoung seemed shaky. She hugged Chaeyoung softly "are you nervous? I feel a bit nervous too" Jisoo said. "Yes, I am" Chaeyoung said, feeling more comfortable. "It's your first time?" Jisoo asks "yeah, I haven't really done anything with a girl other than kiss" Chaeyoung explains "it's okay, i haven't done anything with a women either. We can do this in a nicer more comfortable setting" Jisoo says as she moves Chaeyoung's hair behind her ear. Chaeyoung smiles and buries her face in Jisoo's neck.

"I am done with work, you want to leave early?" Chaeyoung asked. "Yesss" Jisoo said excitedly. Chaeyoung laughed and kiss her cheek "then let's go".

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