Chapter 13

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Chaeyoung sat in the booth closest to the window waiting for Jisoo, Lisa and Jennie to arrive. They had decided to have lunch at a new coffee shop that had been getting high ratings. Chaeyoung hadn't seen Jisoo in two days since Jisoo had to deal with some family business.

"Chae!" Jisoo ran to her happy to see her. "Jisoo!" Chaeyoung hugged her and gave her a kiss in the cheek. "I missed you so much" Jisoo said as she sat down. "I missed you too" Chaeyoung said. "Did you guys miss me?" Lisa jokes walking in with Jennie. "So much, I suffered every night because i couldn't see my bestie" Jisoo joked. The girls just laughed at their interaction.

"Good afternoon lady's, what can I get you?" The server asked. "May you give us a minute? we're still making a selection" Jisoo asked politely. They checked the menu and saw many sweet options. "Order for me, unnie. Im shy" Jennie begged "fine, what do you want?" Jisoo said . "I want a Latte and a strawberry cheesecake" Jennie said. "Order for me too, I want the same as her" Lisa said "you're not shy for other things" Jisoo says. "Jisoo, I would like an americano with a croissant and a apple crisp cheesecake" Chaeyoung says. "You guys know I'm shy too" Jisoo says "yeah, but you're the oldest and a soon to be model so this could be your practice" Lisa says. "Yeah, you're our Unnie" Jennie says giving her a smile. "Fine".

"Are you guys ready now?" The lady asks. "Yes, we will have 2 strawberry cheese cakes, 3 lattes, 1 americano, 1 apple crisp cheesecake, 1 chocolate cheesecake, and 2 croissants" Jisoo orders "okay, that'll be all?" The lady asks "yes" they all nod "okay, your order will be ready soon, beautiful" she says and winks at Jisoo. Chaeyoung looked at the lady weird when she heard the lady call Jisoo beautiful and winked at her. "Chaeyoung looks like she was about to murder that lady" Lisa says. "What? Why would I do that?" Chaeyoung says "she just called your girlfriend beautiful and winked at her. It's weird that you're not screaming at her or making out with Jisoo in front of her" Jennie said. "Guys don't give my Rosie ideas. You know I love you, right Rosie?" Jisoo says "mhm" Chaeyoung said, looking at her phone. "I think Rosie is growing thorns" Lisa said making Jennie laugh. Jisoo noticed the lady was looking at them and cupped Chaeyoung's cheek bringing her closer to her and connecting their lips. Lisa covered her mouth when she noticed what Jisoo was doing. The lady just looked away and Jisoo pulled apart. "Happy? I'm all yours Chae" Jisoo whispers in Chaeyoung's ear. Chaeyoung smiles and nods. "I love you, Jisoo" "I love you too, cutie".

The girls decided to take a walk around the city and catch up. "So what did Mr. Kim say?" Jennie asked. "Well, he wasn't very happy when I got there. But he wants me to attend this business event in a week, it's like a fancy party or whatever. He's going to pick who's gonna inherit the company, I don't want it. My siblings and I spoke privately and Jung-hook said he wouldn't mind taking care of it. He's the oldest and believes is right for him to take care of it and let me follow my dreams, Ji-yoon has her own and I'm the youngest and going into modeling. Which I have something amazing to tell you guys about" Jisoo says, "what is it?" Lisa says excitedly "Dior hired me to model their clothing, and Cartier wants me to sponsor some of their new jewelry" the girls all gasped excitedly. "Omg Jisoo!! That's amazing" Chaeyoung said hugging Jisoo "congrats!!" Jennie and Lisa say. "Are you going to be attending your fathers business party?" Chaeyoung asks. "Yeah, can you come with me? I'll like to introduce you to my siblings" Jisoo asks Chaeyoung "oh, okay. I'll like to meet them too" Jisoo smile and is more happy that Chaeyoung agreed to come with her. "I'll be your escape car again" Lisa says. "What do you mean scape car?" Jennie asked. "Once I had to help Jisoo run out of one of those business meeting because her father had set her up with a guy" Lisa explained. "Yeah, I had to jump out my room window and run barefoot" Chaeyoung and Jennie started laughing. "It was hilarious, I thought I was in a Kdrama" Lisa laughed.

• • • • • •

"Miss Park here's your schedule for this week" Jisoo said placing her iPad on Chaeyoung's desk. "This seems good. When are you going to leave this position?" Chaeyoung asks Jisoo. "Umm... in about 3 weeks, their already looking for another secretary" Jisoo informs her "ah okay, I'll miss you" Chaeyoung pouts. "Chae, you'll be seeing me at home every morning and night" Jisoo explains, Chaeyoung grabs Jisoo's hand and sits her on her lap. "I know, but I can't do this if you're not my secret" Chaeyoung said kissing Jisoo's lips. "I know but it's only for a couple hours, we will probably be able to have lunch together" Jisoo tells her. "Yeah, but I'll still miss you" "I'll miss you a lot too, Rosie" Jisoo tugs Chaeyoung's hair behind her ear and kisses her lips. "I'll miss you a lot" Jisoo adds.

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