Dream Origin

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(First memory of the dream: I don't know why, but something is chasing me, a tall, slender figure, with a hat, and a jacket that completely covered him, but what alerted me the most were his movements, the movements he made while running, heck, they were so frantic and abnormal for a human, the way their silhouette moved inhumanly in the moonlight, chilled my skin. My whole body moved to escape, but no matter how hard I screamed for help, my voice wouldn't come out, just a horrible, agonizing silence uttered by my vocal cords threatening to rupture with each attempt, I ran until my chest ached, until just breathing tore at my lungs, but no matter how hard I tried, I could feel that being stepping on my heels. Suddenly what I feared the most happened, my feet slipped on the cold and wet sidewalk, and I fell to my knees on the ground, feeling the icy rain on my neck, and the blood gushing out off my knees, but more worrisome still, how he was getting closer, so I quickly scrambled to my feet, accelerating again with everything I had, being on the verge of him catching me, feeling how he ripped out a couple of my hairs. It was then that when I reached the corner, I grabbed a streetlight and quickly turned the street to the left, heading towards the darkness of it, where the streetlights no longer worked, where the sound of the rain and my feet stomping on the puddles were the only sounds my ears picked up.

In my despair, and in the distance, I saw a building, a horrifying, abandoned, gloomy, and in ruins, and without stopping for a single second to think, I went to it with the hope of losing my pursuer, but as I was getting closer, the building seemed to get further away, but I foolishly accelerated, and I ended up standing on the stairs, which I went up with impetus, however again, without any explanation, the laws of reality failed me again, no matter how much I climbed them , seemed to never end, until suddenly I stumbled on the last step, finally reaching the entrance of that architecture.)

(Second memory of the dream: the building was a church, one in very bad shape, the cracks ran from the pillars to the ceiling, and it looked like it was going to collapse on my head at any moment, but again, I had no intention of thinking twice, and I entered with the intention of taking refuge from my stalker.

Everything was black, abandoned, silent, in fact, too silent. I started walking, feeling how my feet met small stone fragments, the place really was a mess. But there were no seats, a confessional, a station of the cross, an altar, nothing, just an empty architecture, with some stairs that led to a kind of center that the moonlight dazzled, that's when the sound of a pillar collapsing to my right It was distracting, scaring me almost to the point of having a heart attack, but when I looked back, I could only see one person I was sure hadn't been there before, in that same illuminated center. With great difficulty I approached, feeling a horrible insecurity, climbing the stairs very cautiously, getting closer to what seemed to be a solitary woman, in a long black dress, and with a veil on her face that was noticeable from her back.)

- Excuse me, do you know where I can hide?

(There was silence in response.)

- There is someone chasing me, and I don't know if I can keep running away...

(The silence lasted, for long seconds, maybe minutes. "This woman is not going to help me" is what I thought, until a sweet and chilling voice pulled me out of my thoughts.)

- Are you going to help us?

- ... Excuse me?

- Are you going to help us?

(I started to get scared, she didn't even turn around to speak, she just stood there, looking at the circular window high on the wall, where a warm moonlight came through and illuminated the center of the church)

- Who are you? Why do you need my help?

- Are you going to help us?

(I got nervous, I didn't know what to answer, but I was so overwhelmed that I couldn't think straight, I just wanted this all to end, I just wanted to go home)

- I will help you...

(And suddenly, she turned around... His face was not disfigured, burned, not even horrible, but his stunned eyes, and his expression of pure horror, was what filled me with fear. I fell backwards to the ground, staggering back as best I could, watching how she slowly approached me, with crooked and abnormal steps, looking like she was going to fall apart at any moment, his movements were not human)

- I already told you that I will help you!

(I backed up until I ran into a pillar, hyperventilating while she just kept getting closer with her inhuman walk, she reached her hand to me, wanting to take me by the neck, that's when I closed my eyes and... when I felt her fingers squeezing my throat, I couldn't go back open them.)

(Third and last memory of the dream...

I don't know how long my eyes refused to open, I thought I was dead when the woman reached my neck, but I felt nothing, I was alone again, blind, and alone. It was then that my ears caught a sound, a crackling, snapping sound, like the sound made by sparks from fire... Suddenly my vision returned, only to see the place I wanted to see all this time, my own house, but engulfed in flames, fire in every corner, sparks flying everywhere, even the ceiling was consumed in the heat of the flames. I jumped to my feet, dodging at the last second some wooden beams that fell from the ceiling; I began to despair, I ran towards the doors but none of them opened, the oxygen began to run out, I was more and more lost. However, when I already accepted my fate, when the entire room began to fall apart, the floor broke first.

I fell into an infinite white void, looking up, just seeing my house falling with me from a height that seemed to never end. I gave up, I didn't know how long I was going to fall, how long the wind pushing my body would avoid me to breathe, but I only know that when infinity ended, when I reached the end of the void, there was not enough time for me to realize that my body crashed against the ground.)

The boy dropped his pencil at that moment, seeing how it slowly rolled under the table, then out of sight, he snorted angrily in response, feeling reluctant to pick it up, merely reading the last sentence he wrote.

- I'm sick of these dreams...

It was what he said before hearing a knock on the door, and then it opened wide, seeing that it was his older brother.

- Buddy, let's go or they will give you extra homework again for being late.

- Yes yes immediately, give me a second.

His older brother just shrugged her shoulders and then closed the door. The minor began to put everything in his backpack, including the pencil that he had dropped, getting up to start leaving. However, he took one last look at his book, to which he approached, and closed revealing the cover: "Dream Diary".

The door opened again.

- Hey, really, we have to go, Sol.

- I follow you.

The two of them left the room, walking down the corridor, to then leave their home, opening the door that led to the street, letting themselves be delighted by the warm rays of the morning sun. But Sol, even having the intact memories of his dreams, couldn't stop thinking about something that would torture him for the rest of the day.

- Hey, Cedric?

- Tell me.

- Don't you feel that... something is going to change?...

He said before closing the door behind him.

Ether: English VersionWhere stories live. Discover now