Blind Siege

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- ... wake up ...

... are you ok...

... kid ... you must wake up ...

... You know what, fuck it.


- Huh?! What?! What happened?!

He stood up so suddenly that he couldn't help but butt her head against the ledge above the counter he lay on.

- Agh! Why did you have to scream?

He groaned at the pain vaguely, rubbing his forehead as he rested his head back on the bag of cleaning supplies that doubled as a pillow.

- First of all, where am I?

He bothered to ask the important questions.

- Oh, in your house is it normal to ask for locations before saying "thank you"?

Asked the school janitor wryly, who took a loud and slow sip of his coffee cup of World's Best Janitor. The boy narrowed his eyes to see who it was.

- Mr Mackey? Am I in his warehouse?

He asked as he tried to sit on the wooden surface of the counter, tilting his head so as not to hit himself again.

- It's almost like a room to me actually, but yeah.

He took another sip of his coffee, reaching out to an old wooden table from which he took another mug with a broken handle, handing it to the boy.

- ... Is this a kidna-

- No, it's not a kidnapping, boy, how paranoid...

He wiped the moisture from his lips with a delicately folded napkin.

- I only saw you lying on the floor of the twelfth grade hallway, and I was the only one left at school, so I brought you, you're welcome.

He said in a somewhat rude tone, trying to remind him that he didn't thank him. Sol frowning a little, he remembered the entire encounter with Runar in a sort of flashback, beginning to feel pained, as if he were reliving it when he remembered it; he took a soft sip from his coffee cup, it was bitter.

- Thank you, but you are supposed to have the keys to each room, you could have taken me to the infirmary.

He looked sternly at the janitor, taking a quick sip of his coffee, resting the cup on his knees when he finished, still looking at him.

- Don't even think about it boy, the infirmary was on the second floor; who designed this shitty school...

He took another sip, shutting up his bad words with the cup, and his mustache was stained with coffee, but he didn't care; his stern look took on a more stricken expression.

- Anyway, what the fuck were you doing in senior year territory? Those young adults are scary, why do you think I only clean that area when they are gone?

Sol gave a deep sigh, the knockout did not let him relive what happened.

- Boy... There was blood on the floor, it was almost dry, it was disgusting. But I only found you next to the lockers, with a bandage on your head, it's something very strange, what strange things are you into?

The young man raised one of his hands, feeling with his fingertips the silky texture of the adhesive bandage covering the wound on his temple, he stared at the ground, frowning trying to remember everything exactly.

Ether: English VersionWhere stories live. Discover now