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Feet tired from morning fatigue dragged on the ground, taking a tired Sol to school, which was about two kilometers away, more or less, however, he was not alone, he was accompanied by his older brother, who was a few steps behind, looking everywhere but forward to walk.

- You rushed me all morning, but you are the slowest to go to school.

Said the younger brother, turning back, turning his whole body, but continuing to walk backwards.

- If I'm late, so are you.

The older brother answered curtly, who kept looking at the ground while he walked.

- By the way, what was that question you asked me?

- Hmm? Which?

- You asked me if I felt that something was going to change, that was very strange.

- I don't know...

The minor answered by turning around again, looking down at the ground, while he kicked some stones that crossed his path.

- I just felt something different about this day.

- Well, it's Thursday, I'd be surprised if something out of the ordinary happened on a Thursday.

- Yes, I suppose you're right, it's just an unimportant feeling.

The walk didn't take long, and immersed in the conversation they ended up arriving at the school without realizing it, so full of morning fatigue they went up the stairs and stopped at the entrance, just to exchange a couple of words.

- Well, I have to go to my classroom, see you after school, buddy.

- In fact we have an extra activity today, so I'll finish after you.

Said the minor while he fixed his hair looking at the reflection of his locker.

- Then I'll see you at home I guess.

- Yes yes, don't make it long, go to your class, bro.

- How unfriendly.

They joked and then separated, each going down their respective corridor, only to not see each other again until they both reached their respective homes.

Walking quietly through the corridors, Sol went to his class, eleventh grade, but not before greeting the younger students he used to speak to on the way there, giving them a high-five or patting them on the head, ruffling their hair.

- I almost reached you, Sol!

One of the eighth graders raised his voice.

- You wish, bump on the ground.

Sol answered jokingly, as he walked away towards his course, feeling a little bad since the lower graders were as tall as him and would soon surpass him, the handicap of measuring 165 centimeters.

However, it all became a blurry memory for him the moment he entered his classroom, the warm sunlight streaming in through the windows, the mingling voices of his classmates, the sound of chalk writing on the board.

- Ah, Requiem, just in time, I didn't want to punish you for being late.

The history teacher mentioned, welcoming Sol.

- An apology professor, again...

Everything was repetitive for him, due to the exhausting and boring routine of every day, the class, the notes, the surprise exams in which he did surprisingly well, everything to him was something completely forgettable that wasn't worth keeping in his memory. Deep down he wanted something to change, for the routine to which he was so accustomed to take a 180° turn and for something new to happen, for the claws of fate to stop holding him and contain him in a boring and repetitive life, he feared that all his days were like that, repetitive, and the only thing that could distract him from that cruel fate was that feeling he had when he woke up, that feeling that never left his head, that feeling that something is going to change,

Ether: English VersionWhere stories live. Discover now