Chapter 4: Lemon Cake

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If there was a niggling feeling of guilt as Sam smiled at the beaming young woman walking towards him outside the Tilbury post office the next day, he quickly buried it. He wasn't doing anything terrible. It was harmless flirting. He would be a fool not to take advantage of the fact that someone from the very family he was investigating was giving him attention.

"Good afternoon!" Ivy stopped in front of him, her cheeks pink from the walk and her blue eyes twinkling in the sunshine. Wearing a simple white muslin dress with a light pattern of what he thought might be marigolds and a simple bonnet, she was as pretty as he remembered from the day before. Would it be so bad of him to enjoy her company while simultaneously finding out more about his case?

He bowed at the waist and tipped his hat. "Good afternoon, Miss Edwards."

"Did you get to send your letter?" she asked as her dog came forwards and pushed his nose against Sam's free hand.

"I did, thank you." The letter to the Rose Agency informing them about his arrival and that he may have a way of getting information about the people at Orchard Cottage. A way which was currently slowly walking next to him down the street. His body was still aching a little after the long walk the previous day, and he was grateful for the walking stick Mr Newton had lent him.

"Letting your wife know you arrived safely?"

He had to look down to hide his smile at her obvious attempt to find out if he was married. She was about as subtle as a bull in a china shop.

"No, I am not married," he said, trying to hide the amusement from his voice. "It was a letter to my friends who recommended I visit Tilbury."

"I still can't believe anyone would." She let out a little disbelieving giggle. "There is nothing here. I am certain there are many places far more interesting."

Perhaps. But they didn't have someone potentially blackmailing an earl. Sam caught sight of a little tea shop nestled between the butcher's and what looked like a solicitor's office. The allure of getting to rest his leg beckoned, and he nodded towards it. "Would you care to join me for a cup of tea?"

"Oh, that sounds lovely. I love their cakes!" Ivy was crossing the road before he could say anything more, and he took a moment to admire her form before catching himself. She still walked as if she had a little more energy than her body knew what to do with, and he suspected he would recognise that little skip to her step even from afar.

Realising he was staring, he followed her across the road and into the tea shop. It was only small, with no more than four tables inside, but it looked inviting and clean, with green succulents hanging from planters on the walls. The enticing smell of tea and confectioneries made his insides rumble in anticipation.

Ivy looked back at the storefront where they could see her dog through the window, staring after them with a forlorn look on his face. "Oh, poor Darcy. I always feel guilty when I have to abandon him."

Sam wasn't sure he counted it as abandoning if the dog could literally still see them, but he wasn't about to argue semantics. Deciding to stay on Ivy's good side, he suggested the table closest to the window so she could keep an eye on the animal. Before sitting down, he glanced at Darcy. There was a misty patch on the window where the dog was breathing while staring inside at his owner.

"Good afternoon, Miss Edwards." An older woman with brown hair in a crown around her head called from behind the counter. She was busy moving gingerbread biscuits from a tray to a display plate but smiled at them. "What can I get for you today?"

Ivy looked over at Sam. "Do you know what you want?"

He eyed the offerings on display. "I think I will have tea and a lemon cake."

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