Chapter 6: is this love?

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The darkness surrounded him, and his breathing was rapid. His body was tense and focused, not losing sight of the boy. Like an animal hunting prey.

The hunter crept up the stairs as quietly as a cat and ducked behind a thick stone wall. His hand was tightly closed around his spear. His golden eyes looked back and forth and meanwhile, the first early inhabitants came out of their houses.

Only the bakers and alchemists, as well as craftsmen and church employees. Accordingly, the square in front of the cathedral was lightly filled. Gardeners, bishops, and abbots, as well as other clergy, were scurrying around, making sure the building was clean.

Astonished, some of them glanced at Venti, who stood quietly in the middle of the square, looking up at the sky. Xiao's heart was pounding. Huddled together, he hid and did not take his eyes off Venti.

It did not take very long and Zhongli and Ganyu arrived at his place. Xiao was still huddled against the wall as the two knelt beside him.

Ganyu had her bow ready and Zhongli also seemed to be waiting tensely. The Yaksha doubted that they would, or especially could, harm the Archon, but for their protection, perhaps these weapons could save a life. Then everything happened very quickly.

Zhongli signaled his two adepti with his hand.

It was simple: GO! The two creatures ran off. Xiao on the left and Ganyu on the right. Zhongli also came after; he did not run, but calmly walked toward the boy with a stony face.

Xiao, on the other hand, ran a wide arc from the left to surround the Archon along with Ganyu. He did not hold his spear in attack position but was nevertheless ready.

The night sky was still shining on them and for a short time, it seemed to him as if time stood still.

There was only the night and him.

But he quickly realized the seriousness of the situation. He had arrived at the boy and grabbed his arm. From the right, Ganyu continued to walk toward them and stopped a few meters away so that she could intervene in case of an emergency. Xiao made sure he was safe.

No matter what mental state the Archon might be in, he would fight him if so ordered and assassinate him without hesitation. He held the boy's wrist tightly in his arm.

The moonlight shone on the two figures. As if in a time capsule, they stood together looking at each other.

Light summer wind ruffled Xiao's hair, while the white of the stars was so bright that the boy's eyes shone. From afar, the two almost looked as if they were about to dance.

A gentle, elegant, yet tragic dance.

Delicate air brushed Xiao's face and he looked deep into the Archon's eyes. They were still so beautifully blue-green, but in the clear iris, small violet pigments stood out. A light purple lay there like oil in a pond. Xiao stared in surprise.

His grip loosened.

Zhongli and Ganyu stood several meters away, just watching the two. Illuminated by the white moonlight, they stood close and looked into each other's eyes. The sad song of loneliness enveloped them. Neither of them dared to say anything.

The night was warm and beautiful. The kind of night where you look up and the stars just make you hope.

When I see the stars, I can dream.

It flashed through Xiao's mind, but he ignored the thought. His attention belonged fully to the boy in front of him.

Hesitantly, he loosened his grip even more. Carefully, almost tenderly, he let Venti's arm slip out of his.

As he did so, their fingers brushed against each other and the gentle touch startled Xiao.

Venti was completely still. Xiao knew the latter was not yet back to normal sanity, but at least he was calm now. After letting go of Venti, he just waited.

It was silent. Dark. And bright at the same time. Time stood still for Xiao as Venti tenderly placed his hand on his cheek and looked deep into his eyes.

It was cold. It was warm. He was afraid. And at the same time, he felt at ease. Time was just a construct now, something the two of them ignored. Venti took two steps closer to Xiao so that their bodies were now touching.

Xiao stiffened. He did not know how to react, so he just stood still. Venti's delicate fingers stroked his cheek and he put his other arm around the yaksha's shoulder.

Their faces were now only a few inches apart. Venti slid his fingers down a few inches so that nothing now separated them. The cold moon shone down on them bleakly. The wind danced gently through their hair and tenderly enveloped them in a unique silence.

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