This isnt normal

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~ Cora's Pov ~

I was on my way to potions which I hated as my father was the fucking professor. My Father is Severus Snape but I only found out last year as my mother Bellatrix Lestrange told me he was killed for 15 years of my life. Me and Severus don't really have the relationship a normal daughter and father have but it never bothered me as he checks up on me, takws me to dinners on Wednesdays and lets me take whatever potions I needed whenever I need them

On my travels I spotted two of my friends - Mattheo Riddle and Harper Potter

Mattheo was going with Harper in the direction of what looked liked the great hall as her eyes were filled with tears

"who the fuck hurt her" I demanded to know

"you seriously weren't there Lestrange?" Riddle said to me in a rude and judging tone

"oh so we're reading minds now? HOW AM I MEANT TO KNOW WHERE YOU JUST WERE?!" I shouted angrily at him

"Bella we were in Dumbledores office after just finding out that *sniffs* me and Harry *sniffs* are going to be in the Triwizard Tournament" Harper explained calling me by nicknames we have for each other

Harper calls me Bella as my middle name is Bella and I call her Lily as that's hers

"wait what? since when was that today? its supposed to be on Friday we find out" i asked confused

"it is Friday you dim-witted bitch" Riddle snapped back

"I SLEPT FOR A WHOLE DAY?" I shouted kinda impressed with myself

Harper chuckled and said "You must have haha, I'm going to go meet Draco for lunch in the hall, yous coming?" Haprer offered politely

"HA, a lunch with him and my cousin? count me out. I have to go to potions anyway" I said

"yeah am I fuck going to sit through a lunch with Lestrange" Riddle told her

"you guys have to interact again eventually" Harper said

Me and Mattheo broke up last month because all we did was fight and as revenge he gave Astoria Greengrass all his attention while I was giving mine to Cedric Diggory

"fine I will" I told her as I gently slapped him in the face "happy?" I smiled sarcastically while walking away

"YOUR A BITCH" Harper told me while trying to hold in her laugh

"OW!?!?" Mattheo said trying to make himself known

"Ugh you'll live Mattheo" I heard Harper say to him before walking away for lunch

As I sat down beside Neville Longbottom for potions, my Father slammed the blinds shut in the wave of his wand and said just the words "up". Making everyone stand up within seconds as their scared shitless of him

After explaining he's moving us seats. He put Neville beside Hermione, Ron beside Harry and Me beside Riddle. fucking Riddle. All i do is go on about how much i hate him to my Father. How can he be that shallow? Good fucking job he wasnt in class today

Cora Lestrange X Mattheo RiddleWhere stories live. Discover now