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~ Cora's Pov ~

I was pissed at Mattheo.
Everytime we seem to be somewhat close to making progress on our friendship, he tries to start us up again.

"fucking Riddle" I whispered while walking into the tent the Potter twins were in

"oooo I see there's some trouble in paradise" Harry says to me

"Potter you better watch your mouth before I-" Was all I could say before Haprer interrupted

"HEY! What have I told you about threatening Harry?" She said placing her hand on the boy, making me stop talking

Before I replied I walked closer to them both

"Not one of you scare me and if either of you think you do then I'm afraid your both horribly mistaken" I said with no emotion


~ Harper's Pov ~

"Not one of you scare me and if either of you think you do then I'm afraid your both horrible mistaken" Cora said making us both back up

Just then Draco stormed in and stood for a second before saying

"Okay I couldn't cut the tension in here even if I used Cora's knife under her bed she thinks we don't know about" He said glaring at her

"I do not have a knife. I have a machete" She corrected her cousin proudly with a smirk

"Draco what are you doing here?" I asked him

"Erm...I got to....Ya know..." he stuttered


"CORA" I said stopping her again as I knew exactly what she was going to say

"Yeah well I think what your little boyfriend is trying to tell you is he wants to say his final goodbyes before you both get turned into burnt toast in about...let's see...oh, 4 minutes" She said slowly backing out the tent

"Love you too Bella" I waited to say until she was far enough not to hear

"What a bitch" Harry stated

"She is, but she's also my best friend and Dracos cousin and are you forgetting who her mother is?" I said with a smirk

"Yeah? Well...She doesn't scare me Harp" He snapped back

"Who are you kidding?" Draco laughed

"Yeah yeah okay" Harry gave in, walking off


~ Cora's Pov ~

I walked to my seat beside Pansy, Fred and George

"Hey Lil Homie" Fred said greeting me with a hug

"Well hello Boo" I hugged back

"Well how's Harper?" Pansy asked

Cora Lestrange X Mattheo RiddleWhere stories live. Discover now