"Its nothing"

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Mike Wheeler

Mike went to the rest of his classes and waiting for will at the bleachers. it was 3:28 so he was a bit early. After a while will finally showed up with his bag. "Hey mike!" Mikes face lit up when he saw the shorter chestnut haired boy. "Hi will!" Will walked up to mike and sat next to him, and grabbed his book full of drawings.

"Woah that's a lot!" Mike chuckled and watched as he flipped through the pages. "Here is one of them, it's just a knight, nothing special." "What do you mean nothing special? You draw better than me!" Mike shouted. Will giggles and continued showing him his drawings. "Dude that's amazing, do you think you could.. draw me?" Mike asked will with a shade of light pink on his checks. "Yeah of course!" will lit up as a smile creeped onto his lips as he got his pencil out and started drawing mike.

Five minutes later Will was halfway done, he was working on mikes shirt. "Dude i looked away for a second and it looks more like me than me." Mike exclaimed in a happy tone. "I'm almost done!" Will kept taking glances at him to make sure he didn't make any mistakes, because this was the first time someone asked him to draw them. Will finished the drawing and gave it to mike. "Thanks! It's amazing! i'll hang it in my room!" mike hugged him in excitement. "You're welcome!" Will gave him a smile. Mike pulled away.

"Oh sorry I hug when i'm happy." Mike said while gently putting the drawing into a empty folder then puts it in his bag. "Oh it's okay, there's nothing wrong with that." Will smiles while putting away his art supplies. "You're a lot nicer than i thought you'd be." Mike said while getting up. "What do you mean?" Will questioned while following mike. "In class you pissed that teacher off, before I met you I thought you were one of those kids to beat someone up." Mike chuckled. "Instead I was the one getting beat up." Will giggled and they walk to their lockers. "you never told me why he doesn't like you." "I don't know, I'm guessing he was mad i dumped him and sent him to jail or something." Will thought about what he said and stopped in his tracks. He got a flashback.

"Why the hell were you talking to him! I told you to stay away you don't listen!" Jorden started. "I'm sorry! He came up to me! I tried not to—" Will was cut off by being slapped in the face. Will slid down the wall with tears. "Get up you big baby!" Jordan shouted. Will didn't get up, then Jordan started kicking him. "Jordan s-stop!" Will cried harder. "This wouldn't happened if you listened!" Jordan continued kicking him. Will was able to get back up and kick him in the crotch. While Jordan was on the floor in pain Will went to call the cops. Jordan abused him a lot. "Hello? hi uhm.. My boyfriend was k-kicking, and abusing m-me. Is there anything you could do about that, I don't know w-what to d-do so i kicked him. but my nose is bloody and i can barely breathe."  "okay honey I'm gonna need your address." the cop on the line told him. Will have them the address and all the other stuff. The cops came and opened the door, basically kicking it down. "JORDAN DAREN ANDRES PUT THE KNIFE DOWN AND PUT YOUR HANDS UP!" Jordan drops the knife and let's go of Wills neck, Will drops to the floor heavy breathing. Jordan was arrested for a month. Will thought he should have been in there for longer.

"Will? Will!" "Will are you okay?" Mike ask him worried. "Y-yeah." Will says and goes quiet. "Are you sure? you look like your about to cry." "Yes mike i'm fine." Will said while mike looked him dead in the eye. "Listen I look at you everyday and I think I would know if you're okay or not, not being creepy. And you look really sad." Mike said still worried.

"i'm not fine. that one dude on your team was basically and sadly my ex. He was super abusive. So one time when someone started talking to me he got mad. So later i went to his house and he started kicking me. I got up and called the cops." Will said while closing his locker. "I'm so sorry you had to go through with his bullshit, he's so fucking dumb. But if he tries to fight you again I'll help you, I promise." Mike smiled. Will hugged him. "Thanks, most people say i deserve it. I don't know what I did to deserve it." Will said while pulling away. "Trust me you did nothing to deserve it, I don't know why anybody would want to hurt someone as adorable as you." Mike ruffled his hair and put his hand on his shoulder and they both left the building. Will smiled.

•He put his hand on my shoulder and he called me adorable!!!!!•

Mike walked will home, they had a conversation about stupid and pointless things. "if you ate a bee, would you get powers?" Mike asked. "no you idiot" Will laughed. "Why?" mike joked. "because bees don't give you pow—" Will gets cut off by his phone ringing. "hello?" "Hi willy!" El said "stop calling me that." "no, anyways did you make progress on talking to—" Will hung up on her before she said mikes name.

"what was that for?" mike asked. "Oh no reason." "alright, but what we're you saying" "a bee will not give you powers dingus!" Will jokes. "Why not!" mike ask. "Because it's simply not possible!" "i want powers." mike said with a pout. Will laughs at him. "oh I live here, see you tomorrow!" Will says while walking up to the front door. "Alright see you tomorrow willy!" Mike joked and walked off. Will scoffed and laughed while entering his house. "Ooo so that was the crush." "Shut up mom!" Will walked to his room and starts drawing. He didn't realize his phone was ringing.

"Hello?" "let me guess m-m-mike was around you?" El joked. "Yes, he wanted to see my drawings." Will said while still drawing. El took a FaceTime photo of him and laughed. "What's so funny?" will didn't know she took a photo due to his head being down. "nothing." "alright." Will and El have a good conversation then add max to the call. "Oh yeah that's good" max says between laughs. "what's so funny?" will ask still drawing. "nothing." "okay, I have to go now, bye guys love you!" "Love you too willy" both of the girls say.
(my dumbass forgot this was a mike pov.)

                        TO BE CONTINUED...
      word count [1175]
          I messed up yawl... ANYWHOOO ik what they planing. anyways bye.

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