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word count[1032]

☄︎:ੈ₊˚✰ ————————————

Max and El walked in on literally the one thing they wanted. MIKE AND WILL MAKING OUT. El squealed and Max was shocked. None of them saw or heard the two girls in the room, after Max and El came in, Dustin and Lucas went in.

Everyone in the room was shocked. THEN, Troy Jordan, and James walked in. (why tf are so many ppl coming in) "Woah..." Dustin said lightly. Mike pulled away when he heard the voice of his friends.

"Well damn, how many of you are in here?" Mike and Wills eyes widened. "You guys just.. what?" Lucas started. "yes..?" Mike waited for them to leave. "uhm guys we should just.." El started backing out of the room. "Hey uh where's my cat?" Max went with her.

Everyone else left the room. Mike and Will looked at each other and they started laughing. "They looked scared!" Will said in between laughs. Mike laughed with him. Will turned around and leaned on Mike.

"I gotta admit, I missed you loser." Will said. "Oh you did?" Mike smiled at him. "Troy and his friends are boring, and Max and El.. you know how they are." Will stated. Mike chuckled.

"Heyyy when did you change your hair!" Mike got confuzzled. "Two weeks ago Mike." Will looked at him. "Why!" Mike asked him. "You don't wanna know." Will snickered. "Fine, I still liked your bowlcut better." Mike said the last part quieter. "Heard that!" Will sarcastically gasped.

☄︎:ੈ₊˚✰ ————————————

The two spent a while in the room, talking, Will checked his phone, "Shit I have to take them home, and my mom is probably gonna scold me I have to go!" Will hurried to put his phone in his pocket. "That's fine, see you tomorrow!" Mike smiled at him.

Will couldn't resist his smile, he returned it and gave him a peck on the cheek and ran out the room. "Guys let's go, i'm not trying to die!" Will called for the two girls. They came running to him.

"WILL! How was it? Was he a good kisser? Are you dating now? SPILL!" El covered him in questions. They started walking to the door, Dustin and Lucas saw him and gave him a thumbs up. "to answer your questions. Good, yes, and yes." Will replied. Both of the girls jumped in excitement.

"So are you guys gonna make out everyday, even at school?" Max asked. "Max! And no, that was a one time thing.." Will answered, The girls frowned. "Yeah right. In two years your gonna be saying, 'Oh Mikee!' " Max and El laughed.

Will pulled Maxes ear and went out the door. "Owowowowoow It was a joke!" Max said. "Yea okay." Will let go of her ear. "Never say that again." Will walked off. "Wait but seriously is it a one time thing!?" El asked running up to him.

"I mean I hope." "not." Will muttered the last part. Max and El groaned.

☄︎:ੈ₊˚✰ ————————————

After Will took a shower and took the two girls home, he decided he wasn't gonna style his hair. He just ruffled it up after it dried and went to bed. He changed Mikes contact name.  'loml💕' He put his phone down and went to bed.

☄︎:ੈ₊˚✰ ————————————

The next morning it was 6:00 am and Will was awake, dressed, and he ate already. He was just waiting for the girls to come to his window. About two minutes later he heard two knocks at his window.

He opened it and let the girls in. "Yay! Pink!" El jumped. "You like pink don't you?" Max looked at her. "Yea!" El squealed.

Will gave El a pink and black plaid skirt with a black shirt that had a skull and bones as a design. Max had a black oversized shirt with gray designs and a pink plaid shirt under it, with denim cargo pants.

Will had a outfit similar to Max. "Have you guys ate?" Will asked while ruling his bowl cut in the mirror and looking back at them. "Yeah, so we can just go to school." Max grabbed her backpack and gave El her backpack.

"Alright let's go." Will picked his backpack up and left a note.

Hey mom, i'm at school i'll be back home at 5!
Love, Will.

They left the house and headed to school.

☄︎:ੈ₊˚✰ ————————————

Once they got there Max and El stopped at their lockers, a little farther from Will, but close enough to see him. Will went to his locker and opened it.

Someone covered Wills eyes from behind. "Guess who?" The voice behind him questioned. "Mike!" Will didn't waste a second, he knew his boyfriend's voice. Mike uncovered his eyes. Will turned around and Mike kissed him.

Mike pulled away and smiled at him, "How's your day?" He asked him. "It was going good, but now it's a lot better now that your here." Will returned his smile.

Max and El laughed and turned back to their lockers. Mike and swill had a short conversation, soon Mike had to go to his first period. Max and El ran up to him. "One time thing huh?" Max chuckled as Will punched her shoulder.

☄︎:ੈ₊˚✰ ————————————

After their first and second period, they all went to Wills locker and started talking about music. "Sad songs sound the best." Max stated. "Agreed." Both Will and El added.

"Anyways back to you and Mike, your like one of the first people from this school to date the Mike Wheeler." Max said. "Yeah your the only person here to ever date him!" El giggled.

"I guess i'm just that good." Will joked. "I can't believe Mike pulled that, he's kinda hot!" One guy said while walking with someone next to him.

"Someone else likes you?" Max looked at him. "Probably another Mike, there's like three other ones." Will opened his locker. "None of those Mikes are dating anyone." El added.

"Also that dude that just walked past winked at you." Max snickered. "Ew." Will grabbed a book and closed his locker.

don't be mad at me for the last part, anyway it's good they got back together. but seriously i have no ideas for the next chapter-

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