Hot or Cold?

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It was girl's night. They rented a taxi so they could all relax and have a good time. Hannah decidedly needed a break from Thomas. They were madly in love, but he could be a bit on the needy side. Cleo and Hannah hadn't had much time to hang out since she opened the bakery. The gang had all put on some weight too, thanks to Cleo's "friends eat free" policy. Lily and Dan were a thing that surprised everyone except MC. She knew they deeply loved the people they chose and were both fierce and unpredictable in their desire to protect those people. And Jessy, well Jessy was single and ready to party. MC suspected that she had started drinking long before she met up with the girls, The last year had been rough on her. Grief can do funny things to people, but tonight she was gorgeous and free, and MC wanted to let her stay that way. Hannah and MC knew they had to keep an eye on her. Lily kept texting Dan and MC would have probably been annoyed had she not been doing the same thing with Jake since early this morning.

MC pulled out her phone to send a quick text to Jake. They hadn't met yet, because it still wasn't safe, but their daily texts, which were almost continuous on the weekends, had solidified their relationship. MC couldn't wait to meet him in person.

MC: We made it. We are here.

They had gone to the next town, which was bigger than Duskwood, and definitely had a cooler vibe. The streets were filled with neon lights and the cars pulling in and out of the club created a warm glow. People were dressed in their best and tiniest clothes. It was a new building made of bricks painted black. The owners had worked really hard to make this the best place in town. Even from the outside, you could feel the booming of the music. The line to get in stretched around the side of the building but they had a secret weapon. Jessy. She was the one everyone wanted to be or to be with. We had no problem getting inside.

Jessy comes close to MC and yells in her ear, though MC thought she meant to whisper. Proof that she had already been drinking. Jessy was loud when she was drunk. "I am so glad we all did this. I love you, girls." MC nods. She is right. We are all lucky to have each other. Jessy is wearing a short strapless black dress and some heels that make her taller than MC. She is stunning, but the thing is, her heart is even more beautiful.

Jake: How is it? I know that you didn't want to go out.

MC: I wanted to go out with the girls, I just didn't want to go here.

Jake: To the club?

MC: Yeah, dancing with strange guys isn't my idea of fun anymore.

Jake: :)

Jake: That pleases me.

MC: You have nothing to worry about. None of them are you.

Jake: Are you still going to dance though? That is the best thing about the club.

MC: It is just that the men tend to get handsy on the dance floor.

Jake: Then dance with all of the girls.

Jake: Those men better not get handsy with you.

MC: I can take care of myself. It's Jessy I am worried about.

MC: She is gorgeous tonight and drunk. That is a bad combination.

Jake: How is she drunk already? You've only been there 30 minutes.

MC: I think she got a head start, that is why I am concerned.

Jake: What are you all doing? I want a play-by-play.

Jake: You all at a club is a fascinating idea.

MC: Well, Jessy is drunk and she is yelling excitedly at everyone.

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