Ch. 21 Worry

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Drift’s P.O.V.
This is not going as we hoped. Maybe we were foolish thinking a week somewhere other than the base would help Jamie. I knew it wouldn’t help much, but I was hoping for something good. Instead, Crosshairs and I find out Jamie has hives caused by stress. A small cluster on her abdomen. Ratchet told us there’s nothing we can do but make sure it doesn’t spread. Jamie has never been stressed enough to get this is concerning.
Crosshairs hugs me as we sit on his bed, uncertain of what to say. He’s not hiding how worried he is. Lightning had to go back to the base, so we don’t have to tell her yet. I’d rather not tell anyone except for the medics, but Lightning will probably see the bumps considering how much she’s been helping us.
“So, what is the plan?” Crosshairs asks.
“I-I don’t know. It’s hard to get her to do anything.”
We decide to let the twins and Lily come here for the weekend. Though we can watch T.V. without them being here, we think it’s better for Jamie. Though we’re going to tell them about the hives. Even if they never see the hives, I’d rather tell them than they end up finding out because they see the hives. One less thing to worry about, but we’re adding to theirs. Even if it’s temporary.

Mirage has been careful with his guard duty that I don’t think he considered over before we left in February. Though I think he wants to xo something with her. They had fun baking in December. Still, strange Mirage likes cooking and baking. He comes by in the morning like Optimus would when we were at the base. Though I wonder if he stays in the hallway all night. He’s been watching T.V. with us the past few days, but I don’t think Jamie is ready for more friends to spend time with her.

Mirage’s P.O.V.
I worry about the three of them. Like everyone else, I hate there’s not much I can do to help them. It’s hard to make sure Crosshairs and Drift are doing ok without pissing them off with the same pointless questions every day. I don’t like how we can only watch for signs that they’re way too stressed or getting depressed. I know they’re both full of sadness, and Drift feels heartbreak watching the one he loves like this. I leave the room and head downstairs.
“Do you sleep?” Vivian asks.
“Yes, I’m a spy. I’ve learned to be a light sleeper.”
“Hard to believe even if you're not human.”
I shrug my shoulders while getting breakfast.
I’m liking that the case I’m working on has been hard to get leads, but I also hate dead ends in cases. 

Crosshairs’ P.O.V.
Jamie is awake not long after Mirage leaves.  Even though it’s a morning she wakes up hungry, it doesn’t mean she’ll eat. Several times we’ve heard Jamie’s stomach, but she doesn’t want to eat. We hate how she ignores she’s obviously hungry. Jamie doesn’t refuse when Drift or I carry her to the kitchen.
“Come on, you need to eat.”

Cogman always looks at us with worried optics. It’s interesting how the fragger who broke my digit is caring. He’s used to preparing a shared plate for Drift and Jamie. I still find it odd Jamie will drink coffee in the morning and tea at night. Drift doesn’t like coffee. The two always try to get me to have tea. Drift and I don’t notice hints that Jamie feels forced when she eats.

I don’t want to leave Drift and Jamie, but Drift insists I do a workout while the two are in the hot tub. It’s not surprising that Drift gets annoyed, as I refuse.

Drift’s P.O.V.
Crosshairs refusing when we’ll be sitting in the hot tub is concerning. Add how he hides his feelings though not always successful. Jamie isn’t bothered that Crosshairs won’t be with us.
  Fifteen minutes isn’t long. Neither of us can stay away from Jamie for long, and I suspect he was worrying about her. Even if Jamie has been sitting on my lap in the hot tub.
Crosshairs sits next to me. I try to figure out what else we can do today. I hate the fine line between helping and forcing Jamie. 

Mirage’s P.O.V.
I can’t concentrate today. It’s impressive I’ve been able to concentrate knowing how much Crosshairs, Drift, and Jamie have been struggling. Especially Jamie. I don’t like that all I can do is spy on them to make sure they’re doing ok, but it’s better than waiting for things to be better. Optimus didn’t ask me to do this, which I find surprising. Unless Cade and Vivian are telling him how things are going. Not that we were expecting our friends to be doing much better by the end of the week.

“So, are we doing another vacation with everyone?” I hear Vivian.
“No, I don’t think that’s a good idea,” Cade tells her, “and I doubt Izabela and Tessa would want to stay at the base.”
Waiting for Vivian to suggest buying a house on the mountain we stayed at last year. Would help with the inability to plan last minute. Though why buy a house that’ll be used once a year?
“Unbelievable, I worry about them.”
“Who isn’t worried about them? It’s not helping that we can’t help.”

Crosshairs, Drift, and Jamie are in the hot tub. It’s clear it’s a hard day today. I don’t know what I can suggest we do. I think watching T.V. is the best we’ll get for a while. As far as I know, Sunstreaker hasn’t been able to get Jamie to do any art. This week has been a drag. I hope things don’t get worse.

Knockout is still around though he has nothing to do all day unlike me. He tried to help me, but he seemed to be worried about screwing up and left without me saying anything.
“I can’t leave, even though there’s nothing I can do,” he says as if he knows I’m going to suggest he goes back to the base, “I wonder if Lightning is able to work?”
“I think everyone is having a hard time. I can’t concentrate today and I doubt it’s the lack of leads.”
We both talk about possible ways to help our friends. Partially planning things to do with them. I don’t think the remaining four days here will be any different from the past three days.

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