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Credit goes to lav_hxze

Power. Power is what drives the Darkonians, we feed of it like it's the only thing there is.

The waters are ruled by the sirens. Their power for the water rages, if you were to cross water without purpose or permission you were to die painfully by their hand. No one dared cross the sirens especially at night. No one dares to go against poseiden soldiers.

The skies are ruled by dragons, abandoned by their riders centuries ago. They were left here, many of them in hiding across Drakonia sky, others lost and free. Old but if you were to betray them, they wouldn't hesitate to burn you to ashes if you pass them in the skies. They were the dark wings as we called them.

But on land...Land was ruled only by the demons. And the demons, their power ruled over everything there is. Land, skies and water. Souls that were banished, satan's soldiers, devils, fiends, call them what you may they ruled the darkness. If you were to ever betray them you would disappear, erased from Darkonia. Never seen if again. Especially if you betray the royal demons. The royal demons are the seven sins of reality. They watch over and find new hosts for the underworld and soon after hell. Cross them and you would wish Satan killed you instead.

The demon hunters they feared nothing. Some said they were almost Gods, others say because there was the dumbness of mortals still within them. The demon hunters where executioners, not Gods or half mortals. They made sure jobs got done, they kept Darkonia in the dark away from realities eye. They worked for the demons. They were the rulers that no one knew. Protect the lines of each house. If you go against the oath, you go every being from Darkonia to the underworld and hell. And yet as many as they were, non of them held any power. Until I dared to.

This is the story of how the darkness and demons gave me more power than ever, how the dragons bowed to me and how the sirens worshipped me. This is also the story about how I died.

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