Story Timeline

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Hey! This is just some important info for the next chapters: 

1. Liv was born 1997 

2. This takes place during Civil War (2016)

3. Currently, Liv is 19 

4. Robert and Susan aren't married, they've been dating for 3 years

5. They've (Rob and Susan) been dating since 2013 (Liv was 16) 

6.  Liv and Tom have been dating for 2 years (2014, Liv was 17)

7. Liv starts career at 15 in a movie called Romeo and Juliet 

Why is this important? 

This you may be asking yourself but I have a true reason: Setting up character development. It is necessary for my book and if I don't have it, the book *makes explosion noises* goes boom.  


When Liv starts her career, she moves out and a year later Rob and Susan start dating. 2 years after Romeo and Juliet,  Tom and her start dating after they met in a Starbucks  (cliche, i know). Liv is now 19 years old and Civil War filming is about to start. 

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