Fantasy: The Price of Power

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Do you believe in legends? I do.

Well, technically I am one of the legends.

Thousands of years ago, the kingdom of Slavinier supposedly had people with superpowers, but of course, no one believed that. Until King Ace had a man with telepathic powers arrested, as he was afraid we'd take over the kingdom.

That was when I knew I had to hide.

I turned to my wooden table and fixed my eyes onto my basket, feeling the ever so familiar sensation again. Directing my channelled-up energy at the basket, it flies right into my hand. As I sling the basket over my shoulder, I smirked. Good thing I can still use my telekinetic powers hidden.

As I walk into Slavinier's market, I exchange a few comments to the fish stall owner while paying for my fish.

"How are you, Laveera? Going for the Friday Night drinks again?" I asked, handing eight Slavinian sloves as payment.

"Oh you bet I will," Laveera replied with a smile.

"Have fun at the tavern......" Several panicked cries and exclaims pierced the noisy atmosphere.

"Watch out," Laveera warned, pointing near the entrance of the market. As people backed away, I caught a glance at the scene – three robbers were attempting to rob an elderly woman. One of them was brandishing a dagger with a serrated end, and was just centimetres away from slicing the elderly woman's throat.

Oh no, she'll die! I thought, But I can't reveal my powers, but if this is to save a life at risk, I gritted my teeth and took a deep breath, I must.

Channelling all my energy at the knife, I forcefully yanked the knife out of the robber's hand and lodged it right into a nearby tree trunk. All the robbers and the elderly woman stared in shock, and before I knew it, all eyes were on me.

"You- you have superpowers!" Laveera exclaimed in realisation. The robbers quickly dispersed, while people started back away. Their screams echoed in my mind, each word searing deeply.

"Run away!"

"She'll hurt us all!"

"She's a monster!"

"No, no, I'm not going to hurt you!" I tried to calm the market crowd, especially those who started screaming. Out of the corner of my eye, I noticed a few running in the direction of the palace. Oh, no, they're going to call the soldiers and I'll get arrested. My eyes widened at the thought. Without hesitation, I dug my feet into the hard-packed dirt ground and sped off back home.

The moment I burst thought the door, I started packing my bags and belongings, multitasking by using my telekinesis as well as my hands. I've just finished packing when I hear rapid knocking on my door.

They're here, I realised.

When I open the door, I'm faced with three soldiers, who informed, "Kallien Hillow, you are under arrested for having superpowers.

As I channelled up my energy at my table, I smiled. We'll see about that, I thought.

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