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Hazel's point of view.

I stumble back a careful step.

"Don't you run away now, Stiles," Vince scolds.

I shudder at his thundering tone. His furious eyes shoot through me like a bullet. I feel like I might bleed out.

"I..." I mumble in stupor. The cafeteria is suddenly pin-drop silent.

"Just apologize, Haz," Parker demands, a bit softer than Vince.

He rarely gets angry. I limp a bit closer to the table and Eve weeps harder. Vince steps forward in front of  her almost protectively. I remember wishing he'd protect me like this one day, with this kind of fury in his eyes. Hurt, I feel my eyes water.

"I didn't do anything," I say, my voice cracking.

Vince scowls, Neil gives me pitying eyes, Parker sadly smiles.

It's one of the cheerleaders' turn to blame me: "We've all seen it! You're always all over Vince." There are some mumbles of agreement within the players.

"You need to handle your jealousy, Hazel. I tried to be nice to you," Eve adds, her voice fakely weak.

"Apologize, now," Vince orders.

My eyes sting with tears of frustration.

"I didn't hurt her! She hurt me, Vince! She hurt me..."

"Stop being stubborn, Stiles!" he screams at me suddenly.

I step back again, scared. My ribs burn when I breathe. It hurts so much.

"You need to believe me. Park, please. I didn't hurt her." He looks at me, his features hardened with disappointment.

My tears finally fall. I scoff, hurt. My silence goes on. I try to gather words without breaking down. Vince interprets it as insolence. He walks forward until he's right in front of me. His strong hand grabs my wrist tightly. I wince.

"It hurts, Vince," I whimper.

His eyes are hard, cold. Is Eve really worth all this? Does he like her that damn much? My heart stings.

"Stop being a kid and fucking apologize," he says, dragging me in front of Eve. She stares at me, victorious behind her victim facade.

My tears run down my cheeks.

"Sorry," I says, voice breaking.

Parker adds a hand on my wrist, pushing off Vince's grip.

"Don't hurt her," he says flatly.

Vince seems to snap out of it. He looks at Parker curiously, letting go of me.

"I didn't hurt her," he argues.

I let out a cry of pain, rubbing my sore wrist. Vince snaps his gaze down to it.

"Oh." He scrambles sheepishly and I just know an apology that I can't handle is coming.

"I didn't mean—" I turn away, cutting him off.

"Can we leave, please?" I beg Parker, trying to wipe away my tears that keep falling.

"Yeah." He carefully takes my hand in his and drags me away.

As we exit the cafeteria under judgemental eyes, he rubs his thumb on my palm sorrily. We make it to his car on the parking lot. The ride is silent. I can't stop crying for the life of me. Vince has broken my heart, again. When we get home, I storm in my room and bury myself in my pillows. Parker asks if he can come in a couple times but I refuse. He asks if I'm hungry once the sun has set. I say I'm not. I don't know what I want right now. I just know I can't stop crying. Loving Vince is exhausting. The pictures of him and I on my walls stare at me judgingly. There's a knock at my door again.

"Haz, can I come in?" Parker asks again from behind the door.

I prop myself up on my elbows and suck in a deep breath, ready to refuse again.

"Please," he asks sounding pitiful and desperate.

I sigh.

"Okay." My voice is weak and pained.

He walks in, a tray of food in his hands. His hair is wet from a shower and he's changed into his pyjamas. He places the tray on my nightstand. It's his famous hungover chicken soup. It's sweet of him, especially since I know he's a little upset with me. Parker softly ruffles my hair.

"What am I gonna do with you little lovesick thing?" His voice is sweet and he doesn't sound so annoyed anymore.

"I don't know. Cry with me?" I offer. He chuckles, flopping down on my mess of covers and pillows.

"Maybe if you do this again, I will." He closes his eyes with a tired sigh.

"Yeah?" I hum and start eating the soup.

"In the headmaster's office most likely. Begging for you not to get expelled."

He's right, getting expelled would be terrible for both of us. I'd lose my academic scholarship and, as he would have to switch schools with me, he'd lose his football scholarship. We'd have nowhere to go. Hardly ideal situation for two teenagers with not much of a family.

"I wouldn't get expelled for not doing anything," I grumble, spiteful.

Parker groans in frustration.

"I don't want to argue with you. I think you've got enough of scolding for today." He doesn't directly mention Vince but I wince anyway.

My tears return at the thought. I put the bowl of soup back down and it clatters. Parker opens his eyes to stare at me in surprise.

"Haz..." he says sadly.

I burst out crying. He takes me in his embrace, stroking my back.

"I didn't mean to upset you, I'm sorry. I know he was rough on you."

I cry harder. It's all so overwhelming.

"You know him, Haz. He wants the best for you because he cares."

"He's being stubborn and refusing to love me," I retort, choking on my voice.

"Because he cares like I care. Like a brother, Haz. A brother."

"I don't want him to be my brother," I mumble bitterly.

"Maybe you should distance yourself a bit, hmm? See the bigger picture."

I shake my head against his chest.

"I love him so much, Park."

"But do you really?" I hate how he doubts me. I hate how they all do.

"Yes. With all my heart."

Parker holds my shoulder and pushes me a little so we're face to face.

"Then let's make a deal. You give it a last shot. You be honest and lay out all your cards," he suggests.

"But..." I say.

"He'll make the right choice for the both of you. Trust him on that one."

I consider it, my tears drying out on my cheeks. He's right. I'll trust Vince with my heart, again. And if he refuses me... I'd rather not think about that.

"Okay," I agree and Parker smiles.

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