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Hazel's point of view.

I take deep breaths to get ready. I'm walking in the main corridor leading to the football lobby. The school is mostly empty because everyone is outside in the bleachers, waiting for the game to start. I'm heading to the locker room. All the guys should be wearing their proper gear by now. The match is only 20 minutes away. That should leave me enough time to have a talk with Vince. I'm not scared of what his answer will be. I know things are going to turn out fine nonetheless. Anyway, I'm not to upset with his behaviour anymore. I know he acted that way because I was wrong, not because he likes Eve. I enter the lobby and stand in front of the door to the locker room. There's chattering inside, as usual. I breathe in again, ready to burst in, when I hear my name.

"Where's Hazel, Vince?" a player asks.

"Why are you asking me?" he asks back humourlessly.

"Isn't she, like, somewhat your girlfriend?"

"Not at all."

"But she's always around."

"Because she's Parker's sister. That's all," Vince says.

My heart cracks a bit.

"Man, you know she doesn't give a shit about Park. She's always looking at you."

"And drooling!" a player adds.

"Let her be. She's like a kid." Vince laughs.

"Wasn't she angry at you?"

"You know she'll forgive me in a heartbeat. I bet you tomorrow, she'll be there again." He laughs again and the players laugh too.

"You're not being much reasonable," Neil argues but they ignore him.

"Well, if you don't want her, I'll shoot my shot," someone suggests.

"I guess you could," Vince says.

A wave of feelings crash over me. I feel the pain all over again. Suddenly, there's a hand on my shoulder.

"What are you doing here?" Parker asks behind me.

"I was..." I feel caught, humiliated, confused, hurt.

There's shuffling inside the locker room. The door is pulled open, revealing both my brother and I. I stare at them in shock and they stare back. Vince meets my gaze but immediately turns away to handle his gear. He knows I heard. And he doesn't care in the least.

"I'm gonna go," I tell Parker and leave before he can ask me where.

I need fresh air. I burst out of the lobby by the secondary exit. There's a big crowd on the bleachers. My head hurts. I wanna go home but I need Parker for that. I feel sick. The fresh air doesn't help much. The crowd suddenly starts cheering and I guess the football team has exited the locker room. The predictions are that the game is about to be tight, seeing the other team is skilled. I know Vince can win this though. I want to watch the game but at the same time I don't. Finally, I conclude it would be shitty for Parker if I miss this game. I decide to watch despite my hurt pride.

The game goes well, as it always does. The cheerleading team's performance is flawless. Eve seems absolutely gleeful. I notice how much prettier than me she is. If I dressed like she did, would boys like me more? I shake off the thought. The players huddle up and cheer, the crowd celebrates. I can't find it in myself to cheer too. I just clap and slightly smile. Parker played well. I should congratulate him. I scoot out of my seat, reaching the the stair section. People start leaving. I'm pushed around a little. I steady myself and look back to the field, just in time to see Vince quickly glance up at me before kissing Eve victoriously. He knows I'm there. He knows he's hurting me. I feel tears in my eyes again. I hate it so much.

"Haz!" Neil calls from the bench.

I snap out of it, fully going down the bleachers. He smiles at me, I copy him.

"You alright?" he asks, reading me like an open book.


His smile fades when he notices my reddened eyes. He pushes himself up, jumping on his good leg. I lend him my shoulder and Aaron, who was passing by, hands me his crutch, flashing me a smile of acknowledgment.

"Be careful with him, he might try something now," Neil whispers.


He sighs and shakes his head. "Nothing. So, want to get some food? I think the cafeteria is still open."

I nod softly.

"Yeah, sure."

We leave together and I'm glad I don't have to pretend I can't see Vince and Eve eating each other's face off near the field. The cafeteria lady allows us to get some sandwiches right before she closes for the weekend. The food isn't amazing, but it's better than whatever Parker ever tries to cook. We sit in a far corner, on a bench trapped between the wall and some lockers. After eating in silence for some time, enjoying each other's company, Neil clears his throat.

"I'm sorry about Vince. He's an asshole sometimes."

I shrug, biting into my sandwich.

"It's fine. I don't like him for being a saint."

Neil frown disapprovingly.

"His behaviour can't be excused so easily. I really don't get what you see in him."

"I don't know. I guess he's just... Vince, you know?"

Neil shakes his head. He doesn't, in fact, know. But it's alright, I can't expect him to get it.

"Just remember, Haz, that whatever happens, I'm here for you." He sweetly smiles at me and I wonder for a second why I didn't fall for him instead.

Maybe he'd treat my heart a bit better.

"I know, Neil. I know. You're the best." I hug him tight and he hugs me back.

My phone buzzes in my pants. I take a peek. It's... Vince? He told me when he gave me his number to not text him because he hates it. He mentioned only using texts to contact his girlfriends and preferring calls. The text makes my heart throb. I can't believe it.

'Meet me in biology class in ten', it says.

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