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Hazel's point of view.

"Malnutrition and exhaustion, that's it. He'll be fine, Mister Blake," the doctor announces as he comes out of the hospital room.

Parker, Neil and I stay seated in the waiting room, silent.

Vince's father stiffly nods, not even sparing us a glance. "You'll send me the medical bills," he requests, walking away with his horde of bodyguards.

He doesn't seem to be surprised or disappointed, just... numb and uncaring. When Parker called him, he was cold and snappy, even when he agreed to go see Vince. I don't think that's the kind of father anyone deserves.

"Can we see him?" Parker asks.

"Yes." The doctor gives us a polite smile and leaves.

Parker stands up, looking at Neil and I.

"Do you... want to see him?" he offers.

"I can stay here with you if you don't," Neil says warmly.

I play with my fingers. I came here to get out of my room, get out of my head, not to sit at Vince's bedside. I've been thinking a lot about what he did and why he did it. I forgive him. I knew about his temper when I started being friends with him. I knew he had a hard time controlling his emotions when I fell in love with him. But it's not because I've forgiven him that we can be the same we were before.

"Maybe later," I reply, vague.

"I'll stay then," Neil says.

I shake my head. "It's fine. I'll go get something in a vending machine."

They agree because they don't have any other choice. As they go in, I see Vince in there, barely awake. He seems a bit better. I smile despite myself, making my way to the vending machine I saw at the entrance. I get myself a carton of strawberry milk, of course, and wait until Parker and Neil are done. I hear bits of their conversation. Vince speaks weakly. He sounds exhausted. I didn't know he had been waiting at my door the whole week, I really didn't. I know he cares, now. Like a brother. While being a shallow, possessive asshole. But still, he cares.

After a while, Parker and Neil come out. They seem happy.

"He's alright. He's sleeping now," Neil tells me.

I try not to show how relieved I am. I take a big gulp of strawberry milk, acting as casual as I can.

"Are you ready to leave?" Parker asks. He has a work shift starting in about an hour.

I shake my head. "I'll stay a bit more. I can take a bus back."

He looks at me, considering, then exchanges a knowing glance with Neil and nods.

"Okay. Call Neil if there's anything."

I agree and Parker seems reassured enough. As I slip into the room, I see Neil shoot me a short glance with a smile. I wish it made my heart beat, my cheeks heat and my legs go numb. But it doesn't. Only one person can do that still. And I'm sitting at his bedside. Vince is sleeping, he looks peaceful for once. Even if he's sick and worn out, he looks dashing. I feel myself melt in the seat. I have never really been able to look at him like this. I feel ashamed almost. I sigh, looking out the window. It's sunny outside. It hasn't felt sunny in my heart in a while. Vince used to make me feel that way, I remember. Maybe he still does. It's incomprehensible. I stay there, contemplating, for a while. The sun moves in the horizon. I assume it's the afternoon by now.

Vince moves suddenly. I frown and stand up, about to leave before he can notice my presence. Cold fingers wrap around my wrist, keeping me from leaving. Startled, I look back at Vince. He gazes at me, awake. Fuck.

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